
Thursday, June 28, 2007

Apparently I've been TAGGED!

I've heard of this and seen it on blogs I've read, but I've never been tagged before. Thanks, April. Not sure if what I have to say is even worthy of reading, but I'm game and maybe those who read this will learn a little something about me. Only, I don't think I know of 7 people with blogs that hasn't already been tagged!

The Rules: So this is how it works. I must post the rules, 7 random things about me and then tag others to do the same. Sound fair enough, right? These are the rules…. each player starts with 7 random facts about themselves on their Blog. People who are tagged need to blog 7 facts about themselves and post the rules as well. At the end of their blog list 7 people you are tagging. Let them know that they are tagged by leaving them a comment.

1. My husband and I met through a dating service, believe it or not. :o) And we almost didn't connect. This place was an hour's drive from where I lived, and by the time I drove home after my first time there, I had a call from someone who worked there telling me a guy was interested in talking with me. I had broken up with boyfriend who had been calling and hanging up on me, so I was also changing my phone number. I didn't know just when it would take effect, but apparently it was pretty quick. Steve tried to call and the number had already been disconnected! He almost didn't try to find out the new number, but took a chance. We met in 1993 and were married in 1996.

2. One of the reasons I agreed to meet up with Steve is that he knew how to country western dance and I wanted to learn. The first line dance I ever learned was called the Cadillac Ranch and it has 96 steps in it! (Steve didn't teach me that one, though).

3. Up until we got our van a couple of years ago, I only ever drove cars with a manual transmission (stick shift). Once I learned, I didn't like driving cars with an automatic transmission. But, strangely, I don't mind it in the van. Go figure! I'll never forget when my brother was teaching me to drive his truck and I pushed in the clutch thinking it was the brake and we ended up in the middle of our front yard! My first car was a Cavalier and I have purchased only one brand new car in my life-a 1993 Geo Metro (otherwise known as a beercan).

4. I used to teach elementary school (for 11 years) and quit when I was pregnant with my first daughter. I often get asked if/when I'm going to teach again and my response is a definite no. I loved it most of the time I taught, but the last few years of it really burned me out on it.

5. I color my hair. I went prematurely gray (family trait) starting in my 20s. I refused to consider coloring it until after my second daughter was born. Just about anywhere we went, some comment was made that referenced me being my children's grandmother. I never could figure out a great comeback and finally caved and started coloring it. I don't like doing it, but since I colored it, not one person mistakes me for being their grandmother.

6. Most of the crafts I do, I am self taught. I used to do a lot more counted cross stitch and tole painting. I never took a class to learn tole painting (and have only taken a very few scrapbooking/stamping classes). I wanted to learn how to work with plastic canvas and my first (and only) project with it was making a doll house sized for a Barbie! I did complete that one in memory of my mom, who passed away soon after I started the project (it actually was very therapeutic). But I haven't consistently done anything other than papercraft projects since 1994. Btw, when Steve and I were dating, I showed him that project (just barely started it at that time) and he commented that he could wire it for electricity (he's an electrical engineer). I thought to myself, how do you know we will be involved that long? HA, HA. And NO it never has been wired for electricity!! :o)

7. I wrote a 4 sentence book report on, get this, Gone With the Wind when I was in the 8th grade. I chose the book prior to knowing what format the book report would be. And I got an A on the assignment! I wish I could remember my teacher's name from that class as I learned SO much about writing from her. She was a great teacher! Mrs. T.....shoot...I can picture her face and almost hear her voice...but I cannot remember...Terhune or something like that.

Okay, like I said, I don't know of 7 different bloggers who haven't been tagged about 1? Kim B.

Edited: I was too late! Kim has already been tagged. Guess I'm not going to be able to tag anyone! Well, at least you may have learned a bit about me regardless.

1 comment:

  1. How fun! Thanks for sharing.. I think we've all been tagged a couple of times, but I'm enjoying getting to know everyone. I posted my facts on my blog too.


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read and appreciate each one. :)