
Saturday, December 29, 2007

Get a L.O.A.D. of This!

I just found out there is a class at Big Picture starting on January 1st. It's scrapping a page a day for the entire month of January! Sound like fun? Something to do? Best of all, this class is FREE. Check it out here! I signed up. There's probably no way in heck I'll ever actually do it, but since I'm trying to scrap more...this may be some good incentive to get into the habit....

Oh and one of the presents we got my mother-in-law for Christmas is a hand held Free Cell game. She likes those things. Well, I didn't know how to play it, but was familiar with the name at least. That is, I didn't know about it until I sat down to try to play it. I even ended up looking up how to play on the internet. So...I figured it out! And I played. And I won a game. And so, I had to play again. Didn't win. But wanted to try you get where this is going?

There is NO way I'm gonna be able to do a layout a day in January if I am hooked on a silly solitaire game called Free Cell, is there?

What's funny is that the girls want me to sit on the couch with them so they can watch me play it. They also give me advice on what to move where. Yea. Like THEY know what the suits are and all that. I'll tell you though, they are SO excited for me when I win! LOL

Okay, are you game to try to do a layout a day? Go to Big Picture and sign up already! (hee, hee)

Til next time....Thanks for visiting.

PS I even took this silly game with us on the drive over to Sweet Tomatoes for dinner. See, I sit in the 'way back' of the van and can't really hear anything. The girls are always engrossed in a I needed something to do while on the way. Oh and Steve wanted to go back to the Pro Bass Shop to exchange a shirt he was too big. SURE! I said, thinking...oh goody more time to play...It's a sad and sorry state of affairs, I tell ya!


  1. Thank you for the class info and your kind words on my blog! I signed up for the class, prizes!! That got me excited.

  2. Good luck on your new class! I can't wait to see them. You go, girl!


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