
Saturday, December 15, 2007

Non Traditional Colors Snowflake Card

I'm not sure if you have noticed, but I added a blog I really enjoy visiting called Kathi's Creative Corner. Kathi is a very creative Close To My Heart consultant and I've long admired (and stamplifted) her ideas. She is also very good at posting new projects on her blog, so you just might want to bookmark it and visit often (or add it to your Google Reader), since she doesn't have a subscribe button. Anyway, she recently posted a version of this card on her blog and I fell in love with it. Check her card out here. She gives the directions/dimensions on her blog. I didn't have the same snowflake set, so I used Victorian Snowflake from CTMH. I also used the wider twill ribbon she mentions. My last variation was to add a Bigger Brad to the center. I hope you enjoy her version and mine as well. Thanks, Kathi for always inspiring me! :o)

And, in case you are interested, that Cold Snap stuff I have been taking to thwart getting sick seems to have worked! My throat feels fine now and I only have a tiny bit of sniffles. Whew! Hopefully dodged the bullet there!

Thanks for visiting!

1 comment:

  1. Nice card! I like the non-traditional Christmas colors. It is nice to see for a change.


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