
Monday, December 3, 2007

November Round-Up

I just discovered this idea from a blog I subscribe to. In this blog entry, the blogger references another blog by Katie, where she posts a round up of each month's happenings. I think this is an awesome idea. Actually, it's one of the reasons I started blogging, so I could write down and remember things that happen for future scrapbook pages/journaling. Of course, I got side-tracked along the way, but I love how this is set up for me and I am going to try to do this. I'm also going to add her to my blog roll, because her blog looks pretty neat.

So, here we go!

What books and/or magazines did I read this month?

I read every night before I go to bed, nothing spectacular, just escapism reading. I am on a Debbie Macomber kick right now and I've been reading her series about a small town. Each new title is an address and I worked through 7 books over the past few months. Now I am reading the second in a trilogy about the Dakotas. Then I have to find a new author because I'm caught up and have to wait until next year for new installments. Magazines read or glanced through...Creating Keepsakes and Papercrafts, Scrapbooks, Etc. (this is what I remember, there might have been others).

What movies and/or tv shows did I watch this month?

We don't go to the movies anymore, but I admit to liking my TV. Continued watching Survivor, the Amazing Race and albiet reluctantly, Grey's Anatomy. I don't much like the storyline with Meredith, or Izzy, but I do love to watch Bailey in action, so I keep tuning in. Although with the current writer's strike, they may be into reruns soon, so that will end that idea. I enjoy Clean House and Jon and Kate plus 8, along with Little People, Big World and How Do I Look? Most of the time those are on in the background though, so not sure if I should really count them. I only want to see the reveals of the makeover shows! I am also interested in Desperate Housewives again. They seem to have gotten back to the roots of the first season.

What special days did I celebrate and how?

Digital Scrapbooking offered its first national day early in November and I had a blast doing some online shopping for goodies. Scrapbooks, Etc offered up the Scrapafaire again and I succumbed to taking a digital scrapbooking class. It was okay. Got a couple of neat ideas, but am not convinced it was worth the price of the class. It was less than half an hour in length and kind of light on content. Although, I did save the pdf file, which will probably come in handy later when I want to remember what it was all about.

Then of course there was Thanksgiving! I made dinner again this year, and without a sense of stress. I spread out the making of the meal throughout the day (we still eat at our normal time) and also worked on organzing my digital stash. The girls enjoyed playing whatever they wanted to. Steve went out to a few stores that were open and picked up a couple of good deals. He wanted me to see what I could find, so I went out after the turkey went into the oven, but I wasn't successful in finding anything. However, later in the weekend I found a new coat, so it evened out! The girls and I played several games of Memory together with a new deck of dinosaur cards I picked up at Target.

What gifts did I give and/or receive?

I made cards for my Hostess Club members which were pretty detailed in terms of cutting out all the pieces, but the final effect was worth the effort. I made some acetate boxes for the girls' teachers to say Thanks for all their hard work. They were very well received. I gave Becky a belated (sorry) birthday gift of two stamp sets and designed the above mentioned cards for my club members with her in mind.

What illnesses or health concerns did I have?

My jaw continues to bother me, somedays more than others. I keep wearing that night guard. I probably should go back to the dentist and pursue further action, but the next step would be a more expensive night guard and I'm not convinced it would help. No major illnesses for me, thank goodness, but the girls have had slight colds most of the month. Jessica had her 5 year check up and is healthy, although still under 40 pounds!

What fun things did I do with my friends and/or family?

I enjoy hanging out with the moms I'm getting to know after preschool. Jill is so funny! An hour can go by in a blink of an eye because she is so entertaining. Susi and I enjoy chatting while letting the kids (Amy, Jess, Hattie and John) play after Amy gets out of school.

One of the coolest things we did this month was go to a birthday party at the Paul Derda Rec Center in Broomfield. We were invited by a little girl in Jessica's class. Anyway, the main part of the party was held in the gymnastics room. (Silly me, I didn't bring my camera and now I regret that) The kids got to hang onto a ring on a zip tie and get pushed over a pit full of foam cubes. They hung on until they were over the pit and then let go. That was the hit of the room. Jessica even did it, which impressed me! There was also a trampoline lowered so it was level with the floor (which was cushiony throughout the room, too) and that was fun. I tried it until I saw myself in the mirror and scared myself. They also had a huge blow up slide the kids could slide. Remembering how I burned my elbow last spring at Amy's Field Day, I opted not to do that activity. Anyway, the kids (Amy was able to join us) had a blast and were quite tired when we were done.

What new foods, recipes or restaurants did I try this month?
Nothing new here, although I did go to a Taste Of Home party and ordered a new cookbook that is all about celebrations and am anxiously awaiting its arrival. Lots of cool ideas in this one. I also ordered a slow cooker cookbook at Steve's request, from a flyer we got in the mail. I know it's not technically something new, but it'll have to do!

What were my accomplishments this month?
I completed the second Jessica Sprague class called Now We're Rocking. I learned so much. I'm excited to sign up for the next one. I've participated in posting my layouts on the Gallery at her website and even participated in creating a layout for a special project for Jessica. I don't usually do things like that, but I really wanted to participate in this one because I've experienced great excitement about scrapbooking since taking her classes and this was a small way to express my gratitude. I hope she'll appreciate the project!

Anything else noteworthy to record?
Way back at the beginning of the month Amy had to get a crown for her molar. She slipped on the play equipment after school one day and knocked a chunk off her molar. She was a real trooper though and didn't shed a tear. Yea, Amy!! Jessica, at her well child checkup, got something like 6 shots all at once, 3 on each leg and she didn't flinch or shed a tear! That was also very impressive! (I don't know why it seems like we are always "catching up" on immunizations, since we do what is required each time we go in for a check-up).

Well, I started this a few days ago and now want to finally post it! Hope you enjoyed this little recap of November. I'm sure after I hit "post" I'll remember something else! I need to work on some new layouts, but being the time of year that it is, I've been busy with other things! LOL

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