Here's the picture I was originally going to scrap yesterday. It was taken not too long before she passed away. This one is the one we had on display at my mom's memorial service. My family thought it represented her very well. She's in the kitchen she loved, looking at a cookbook. She' s surrounded by pretty things and her bread machine is out. It is just classic Mom. It's actually a photocopy of the print. My dad obviously has the original. But, it worked well enough for me. I used the same papers from Nitwit Collections that I used yesterday. The template is from Kay Miller Designs. I fiddled and futzed with the journaling part. In the end I searched for a quote/poem that I felt was appropriate.
My parents lived in the same house since before I was born. My dad still lives there. Our kitchen for as long as I can remember was definitely decorated in the 70s. Her favorite color was green and her cupboards were lime green. (somehow I don't think they were supposed to be that bright, but when the budget is tight, you make do if the color is off). They finally fixed it up after all us kids (6 of us) were out of the house. Unfortunately not too long after they finished, the Northridge earthquake hit and falling items damaged that tile countertop among other things. But it was/is a really warm and inviting space with all the goodies Mom really wanted in a kitchen.
Anyway, thanks for looking and listening to my ramblings there.
Amy Update:
She slept fairly well last night. Although that fever is still lingering around 100. She seems a bit perkier today, which is good. AND she lost another tooth. Go figure! I guess she doesn't have much else to do but play with the loose teeth. LOL She woke up coughing pretty hard around 4am again.
BUT and you had to know there was going to be a but....Jessica and I have been up since 1am! Sigh....she woke me up crying for me. She has been a wee bit jealous of the attention Amy's been getting and she at 1am wanted to watch tv on the couch with Amy. Well, I wasn't going to disturb her, so we went into another room. No sooner had I got her settled than she got sick all over the recliner on the couch. Yes...I do believe round 2 is starting...She got sick something like 3 more times in the next few hours and that was it. (thank goodness) She stayed home from school and has a low grade fever and a cough...Unlike Amy, she seems to be responding to the normal Tylenol/Ibuprofen doses, so maybe, hopefully, cross your fingers, she won't end up as sick as Amy???? Pretty please??? She did fall asleep on the couch this morning for a couple of hours (lucky her) and now wants me to snuggle with her.
So, I will close for now.
Thanks for visiting! I hope you find time to create today.
forgive any typos, rambling sentences, thoughts that seem disconnected...I tend not to do well when I don't get my sleep...
Your layout is beautiful as is your story. My mom still lives in the house I grew up in, the farm house my dad's parents built in 1929. Mom just turned 75. I don't know what I'll do when she doesn't live there anymore. I'm the oldest of seven kids. With the exception of adding modern appliances, my parents didn't remodel their kitchen until most of us were grown up. I hope Jessica and Amy both perk up. Every time I had two sick kids, I thought of my mom with seven. If I remember correctly, she had someone in the house with chicken pox for two and a half months!
ReplyDeleteYour layouts are so gorgeous! I love the pinks and scallops. What a wonderful job! These layouts are such treasures.
ReplyDeleteYou are so focused on your goal this month....awesome! You Rock!
Oh, Jeanne, this is so beautiful! It made my eyes tear up. Such a nice tribute to your mother, and it made me miss mine. I didn't realize you were doing the LOAD! I'm going to have to make myself a crib sheet to track whose doing it! Also, I really want to figure out how to attach labels on my blog. I really like them on yours, and having sorted this out yet. Hope the little ones are in recovery mode now!
ReplyDeleteYour LO was very touching. Keep up the good work! I enjoy seeing all the LOs you crank out. :)
ReplyDeleteI am so touched by your LO's. My mom died early, too, as did my dad. You are paying your mom, your dad, and your MIL such a great tribute. Because, you have done these vintage LO's I have done two, but have only uploaded them to LOAD. I hope to get fully back in the groove in the next couple of days. You are a great inspiration!
ReplyDeleteThis is so touching! What great memories you have of your Mom...Hope the kids are getting better!!
You layout of your mom is beautiful. And it was a wonderful tribute page.
ReplyDeleteI hope your kids get better soon - and that you can maybe get some sleep - you must be tired.
Love this layout! I love your story too. This is what I love about scrapbooking--you share the pictures and the stories.
ReplyDeleteOh I love the lo and story of your mom....what a nice way to remember good things