Sunday, February 10, 2008
A Different Kind of Tag
I know I've said it before, but one of my very favorite blogs to check out is Kathi's Corner. I knew she had one for a while, but before I started using Google Reader, I would forget to go look. (I know, shame on me-now that I know what I was missing) Now that I have the Reader, even though she doesn't have a subscribe feature, I can subscribe anyway and have access to her posts. Well, Kathi tagged me with a different kind of tag and I am honored that she thought of me. I truly admire and respect Kathi for all her creative projects, as well as the humor and love she shares in her posts. I'm happy to call her my friend. Thank you, Kathi!
Here is what she had posted on her blog:
The idea behind this tag game is different from other tag games. Rather than look inwardly, we look outside ourselves and bless, praise and pray for three blog friends. By participating in this endeavour we not only make the recipient of the blessing feel valued and appreciated, but we are having some fun too. We’re going to see how far the bloggin’ blessings can travel around the world and how many people can be blessed! Recipients of a bloggin’ blessing may upload the above image to their sidebar if they choose to do so. In addition, be sure to go to the blog of those you are blessing and leave a comment on their blog to be sure they check yours!
There are SO many people who bless my life that it is going to be difficult to limit it to just 3. Of course, if I can, I will tag Kathi back, because she deserves it. I also immediately thought of Kim B, at Clearly Inspired, because we started this blogging journey together almost, and have supported, cheered and helped each other through the various learning curves involved. I look forward to her posts as much as I do Kathi's. This next person might seem a bit odd, but I want to tag Jessica Sprague, because she has blessed my life through her website and online classes on digital scrapbooking. Through her, I have really rediscovered my joy in scrapbooking for pure pleasure. Through her I have come in contact with some of the most supportive ladies on our "playground." These ladies are warm, welcoming, friendly, quite the enablers, and oh so knowledgeable! I'd love to tag all of you wonderful women! But I am going to specify one, and I hope by doing so, my girlfriends would agree and not feel left out. My final tag will go to LivE. Throughout my journey into digital scrapping and foray into the Jessica playground (also known as the messageboard), LivE has stood out with her enormous heart, humor and joy. She has a beautiful way with words, is a wealth of knowledge, and has the most generous heart. She creates digital kits and shares them freely. All this on top of being the mom to FIVE boys! She is uber talented and I feel blessed to have gotten to know her "virtually." Thanks from the bottom of my heart!
Okay, I could tag all my Close To My Heart sisters as well, there are so many that have supported and cheered me on. However, I don't want to leave anyone out!
So, I will close this for now and let these fine ladies know I have tagged them.
Thanks. I am so touched. I was always a little leery of cyber relationships but see now that in circumstances where hobbies and most likely values, are shared, it's a pretty cool thing - real friendships in a virtual environment.