
Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Some Pictures of My Craft Room

Since I've been pretty wordy today, I thought I should show a few pictures, even though they are not artwork. Remember I said I worked out in my craft room last weekend? Well, the first picture is what it looked like when I got started. My goal was to get that large table in the foreground out. It is official now, I am no longer a Close To My Heart consultant and I felt like I didn't need to have the extra seating any longer.
Yes, I admit this looks pretty scary, doesn't it? Well, I can admit to being a plopper when it comes to my craft room. I also let the girls play in here and you can see some of the remnants of things they were playing with. This is looking straight onto the tables after you walk into the room. The door to the outside is to the left and the door to the rest of the garage is on the right and the door to the little office is directly behind me in this shot.

Look at all that open space! Granted, I haven't done too much in terms of going through what is on the shelves, but the big table is out and I've moved the other two tables, which allows me some breathing room in here! This shot is taken standing slightly to the right of the previous shot. Actually right next to the door, you can see the sunshine glare on the left side. :o)

Here is the new look. This is taken from the doorway as you enter my craft room. Please don't mind the messy walls. My girls like to tape up their artistic creations and when they get taken down after a while, the paint appears to come down with the artwork. Someday I'll fix that. The box in front of the first table still needs to be sorted, but it's out of the way for now. The two silver buckets near the wall and the pile of stuff behind them holds my girls art stuff. I have a Pampered Chef tool caddy still full of scissors and pens from when I had workshops. The other silver buckets are for trash.
Here is my new work area. Before I was closer to the wall. I decided to try it where I wouldn't feel so closed in. I guess the girls were used to me being by the wall because they were confused when they saw me sitting at the end of the table. The plastic baskets are stamp sets I'm thinking of selling. You can see my old trusty CD player/stereo unit. Gosh, that thing is WAY old, but it sure plays CDs better than the new one I tried this summer. I took the new one back. This player doesn't play cassettes too well any more, but CDs don't skip and that's nice! Tucked in there is my Cricut and Cuttlebug, close at hand. I keep my blocks out so I don't have to rummage for a needed block when I am stamping. You can see I do actually work out here by the looks of that stamping off paper. LOL. I took another shot of both tables just for grins. That glimpse of the door is the opening to the rest of the garage.
And last but not least the "other side" of the room. Here you can see the door to the office area. Man, you couldn't WALK in there before. I took pictures, but they are really too scary. I cleaned it up so one could walk in there, then hubby proceeded to put stuff back onto the floor blocking it once again. Sigh...

Anyway, the shelf below the colorful albums is going to be cleaned off. There's a stack of magazines I don't need/want anymore and other odds and ends that need to find their way out of the room.
It may not look like it, but it is better in there than it was before. You should see the pile of trash sitting outside! This is always a work in progress.
Thanks for visiting. Hope you enjoyed this little tour of my space. If you have any hints or tips for improvement...I'm all ears!


  1. I am so jealous! Kathi's Corner is 6 feet square with stuff piled to the ceiling. I had a dedicated sewing/craft room in my house. Seeing your space makes me miss it in a big way.

  2. Wow! you have such a huge space! Congrats on you cleaning and organizing it. I will however miss you! So sorry you left CTMH. We will be missing you as a whole, I'm sure. Good luck, my dear, and please don't be a stranger!

  3. Wow! You have been busy. I wish I could come and scrap with you. What a blast that would be! I am sure your customers and CTMH will miss you.

    Happy Digital Scrapping!

  4. It's so huge! I am very jealous of you. My craft room is not only a craft room, but also a dressing room, computer room and general storage room. LOL, it sounds crazy but it actually doesn't look that bad.

  5. I have to tell you i was chuckling reading your post and looking at the pics. It looks like my living room! I have all this junk and no where to put it and don't use it! Your "new Room" looks wonderful!
    Hope everyone is feeling better in your house.

  6. LOOK at all that AWESOME space now, girl!!! Just think, smaller table = less table space to collect more mess! Love how you've been reorganizing!

    Inky Smiles!


  7. Your room looks awesome! You worked hard to get it into shape, now have some fun and "play" in it. Get scrapping (or digi-scrapping)!

  8. Your space is awesome!! I've gotta get mine cleaned up a bit, although it's not too bad for now ... a bit more neglected since I started digi ;) Hope you and your entire family are feeling better!

  9. WOW...can i come over and play!!! love this room with all the "stuff"...i'll clean up after myself...what do ya say??

  10. Oh I love your room....great job in the "redecorating"of it

  11. Me again. You've already seen "A Different Kind of Tag" on my blog. Play along if you want to and know that you're "bloggin' blessed!"


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read and appreciate each one. :)