
Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Beautiful Butterfly-Challenge Layout

There's been a new challenge posted over at the "Spraground." This one is a text effect, where you hide part of the text behind something. It's not a difficult technique, but a cool looking one, don't you think? This layout is definitely a bit out of my box, but I am trying to stretch myself a little bit after a recent hiccup in my confidence level. Don't get me wrong, I am proud of all the layouts I've created and I have learned SO much, but sometimes I look at some fabulously artistic layouts and I have so much farther to go to be able to create such works of art. But my friends at Jessica's forums have helped me to get back on track. Thanks, friends!
A bit more background on the supplies used. One of the Spraground's most beloved members, LivE has applied for an Apprentice position at Little Dreamer Designs. She had to create a kit (among other things, I'm sure) and submit it. She's passed the first round and the kit she created is available for downloaded at LDD. In an effort to show my support I've used HER kit and also posted it at LDD in the hopes of helping her move past the next round. Good luck, LivE!!!

Credits: Adventure kit created by Liv Esteban, can be found in the Apprentice area of Little Dreamer Designs
Blended Rectangle created by Michelle Swadling at Gotta Pixel
Font is VTPortable Remington

Thanks for visiting!


  1. Wow! This looks awesome! I don't know why your confidence level was ever low. I think you do a fabulous job!


  3. You are so funny! I come HERE for inspiration. You do an awesome job with your layouts and you should feel proud. I love this one.

  4. Beautiful! About the confidence thing - I think that if we were completely confident in all that we did, we wouldn't keep striving to do something more, which would take quite a bit of the fun out of the whole thing, wouldn't it? If I'd already made the best card ever, would I bother making another?

  5. Jeanne, this is absolutely breathtaking! What a beautiful LO!


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read and appreciate each one. :)