
Thursday, July 17, 2008

New Footwear...

Don'tcha just love this new look?! That's my right foot. The bulge by those clips is my ankle. My broken ankle! I have never before broken a bone in my body. How did it happen, you ask? Ummmmmm...walking on the sidewalk. Seriously. The girls and I were taking a walk this morning and for some unexplained reason, my leg gave out and I fell. As I was falling I heard/felt a pop. Which apparently is never good. The non weightbearing bone broke. Apparently it's a tough one to heal, too. Oh yea.

So, I am parked on the couch for a few days til I get the cast. Then we'll see. Man, I wish I had a laptop about now...

Talk about putting a crimp in your plans.

Thought I'd give you a heads up if I don't post new stuff for a little bit.

It's back to the couch for me.

my signature 2


  1. ouch. Just rest that foot. Get yourself a little bell and train your family to run when you ring it... then life might not be bad for the next few weeks! :)

  2. You poor thing. If I had a laptop, I'd send it to you. Hopefully, once you get your cast on, you'll be able to move around a little better. In the meanwhile, let the girls wait on you . . . Big hugs!!!

  3. Oh no, I'm so sorry for you. I agree with the "bell". It really comes in handy. Hope you get to feeling better soon. :)

  4. Holy Moly, Jeanne! Were you far from home? How did you get help? I hope you are not in too much pain. I will be thinking of you and hoping all is well. Inky hugs!

  5. Oh no! That's not good. I'm so sorry to hear that, Jeanne. You poor thing...but walking?!? Ouch! Well at least you know with your two little darlings there with you, you'll be in good hands and be well taken care of. Rest up! (like you have a choice -lol)

    As for the bell's good in theory, but I've got a bell here at home, and believe me people get real tired of listening to it reeeeeally go easy on it unless you want your other ankle in a cast (just kidding about that last part -lol). Personally, I think I'd have some of the girls' favorite candies nearby, and then when you need something, shout out, "Who wants candy?" They should both come runnin faster than the speed of light! ;)

    Take good care and enjoy your down time. Sometimes that's the only way we moms get any. lol

    Sending hugs and prayers for a quick recovery!

  6. Oh, NO...i am so sorry!!! Please get well FAST!! and let everyone wait on you..(i know it is hard for us) Big Hugs coming your way...

  7. Well, my goodness. Look at you now. So sorry to hear about your ankle, I hope it is not giving you much pain. Yes, just like everyone else has said, it's time to be waited upon. Relax. Read a good book, color in some stamped images. Keep us informed on your progress. I wish you a speedy recovery my friend! Be Blessed!~Barb

  8. Oh, my GOSH! I did the same thing in Cancun! Well, actually, I never did go to the doctor, but if I had been in the US, I would have. I think I probably sprained it. Anyway, yeah. I was walking on the sidewalk. Sort of tripped over the curb. Nasty business. Very embarrassing. It still hurts when I sit on it wrong (ya know, under my other leg). I hope you heel quickly!!

  9. Oh my goodness! Not fun at all! Hopefully your honey will take good care of you....take advantage....just tray, some stamps and paper and an excuse to not have to get up and do anything if you don't want to! LOL! Take care of you!

  10. Poor thing. I am so sorry to hear it. I hope recovery will be smooth for you.

  11. Ohhh no Jeanne, that is dreadful!!! You poor thing. I hope it isn't hurting too much at the moment and it heals quickly.

  12. I am so sorry for you. Breaks are a big bummer. Listen to the docs, and your body. Healing is slow, butif you rush things you will never heal properly. Hugs to you

  13. sorry to hear about that Jeanne, I hope you'll get better soon

  14. OK so I really have been out of the loop here...had to read all the way back to here to see what happened to your least you get to sit around and not feel guilty :) Hope you heal up soon....the pain could be just in the working of those stupid crutches that make your arms sore too..


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read and appreciate each one. :)