
Friday, August 29, 2008

Testing Live Writer

I'm just doing this test post to see how this Live Writer thing I keep hearing about works. I subscribe to a blog titled, Organized Mom and today she had a post about blogging in new ways where she talks about Live Writer. Click here to read it. Since it's free and free is good, I downloaded and (with her help, cuz I'm a dork sometimes) installed it. It's supposed to make the whole blogging experience easier. It's a "What You See Is What You Get" situation. As you type in, what you are seeing is how it will look on the blog. It seems to be easy so far.  I am going to post a picture and see how that works...


Oh that's cool! I added a border!  This is a flower from a plant Steve's been growing this season. I can't remember the name of it off the top of my head, but he's been enamored of it for a long time. Some neighbors had the plant growing sort of wild in their front yard and Steve really liked the blooms. He tried getting seeds from the plant, seeing if he could get a runner, whatever he could think of, but nothing worked to get a plant off the neighbor's. Then they pulled them all out! So, he's searched the past year or so for a plant just like it and we think we have a winner!

I think that's a good test run. Let's see how posting works...


  1. Nice of you to do a test run. Anything to make posting easier is a winner in my book. I am going t otry it and see. Love the flower. The angel trumpet I have has yellow flowers that hang down. Is that something different?

  2. I have never heard of live writer. I am going to go and see what it is all about.

  3. You see, Jeanne, this is yet another reason I love visiting your blog. You share. I am such a techno-junkie and this is right up my alley! Thank you so much for posting the links, too. I can't wait to play with this!

    I have learned so much from you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

  4. Beautiful flower!

    Thanks for the tip on Live Writer. I just downloaded it...wonder how long it'll take me to figure out how to use it. lol If you've got any words of wisdom here, I'd love to hear them. ;) I'd love to be able to write up my posts without having to be online -- has the potential to save a lot of time! Thanks again! You're awesome, Ms. Techno Tomshack! ;D


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read and appreciate each one. :)