
Sunday, October 26, 2008

Pumpkin Patch


Whoosh! Did you see how fast the weekend went by? But we managed to make it to the pumpkin patch this morning. We thought it was supposed to be nice out like yesterday, but instead it was cool and blustery when we got there. Mommy forgot her coat~mainly because I had been busy before we left and I was hot. Here are  a few photos I took.

Amy nailed Jessica with some of the corn in the corn box!

Then the girls made "corn" angels...and rather than go through the tall corn maze100_5043 (longer and it cost a lot more) 100_5065we opted for the "mini" maze where the corn wasn't as tall. I like this shot because it's got the "spooky" abandoned house in the background.

Amy wants me to show this picture and I added the other one.



Last one:


Wouldn't you know, by the time we got home and had lunch...the clouds left, the wind died down and it warmed up. Oh was fun and felt like a true fall day!

I've got a project I'm going to post separately so check back in a bit!



  1. More great photos to scrap! Glad you had a great day!!

  2. These photos are adorable. It looks like you and your girls had a ball!

  3. Looks like your girls had a great time! I've never heard of a corn box before (instead of a sand box?). Great pics...just begging to be included on your next digi LO! ;)


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read and appreciate each one. :)