
Thursday, November 27, 2008

Scenes from the Day...

Well, by now you have stuffed yourself (but not too much) and are catching up on your reading. I got dinner together and declared the rest of the family could clean it up. It was yummy good if I do say so myself.

But look at this: 100_5269

It finally happened! Amy's tooth has been loose for so long, I wasn't sure if it would come out before the permanent tooth grew in. The girls had a dental appointment (for 6 month cleaning) yesterday morning and I was hoping it'd be out so the dentist could oooh and ahhh over it. The stubborn tooth didn't cooperate. However, the hygienist had a good giggle while cleaning the wiggly tooth and the other one on the bottom that will probably be out before the weekend is up. (The tooth fairy may have to park in our neighborhood soon). I was washing some dishes this afternoon before the big cook-fest and Amy hollered from the couch that it just popped out. She was wiggling it per the dentist's instructions. If you enlarge the photo, you can see the permanent tooth has started to pop through. She had quite the fun time eating her meal with that big ol' gap!

100_5260Have to show off my turkey on my brand spanking new platter courtesy of Steve.

  We pulled over the girls little table to hold the food that doesn't fit on our table. We don't have a dining room and have to use a smallish table to eat off of on the side of our kitchen. The only thing missing from this shot is the green 100_5262bean casserole that I had warming in the oven. Oh that gravy boat? Also new. Thanks, hunny!



Aren't these two just adorable? 100_5266Of course I am biased, but how could you not be thankful when you have these two characters running around?





Steve and Jessica relaxing after the big meal.  Oh and you can see the bottom band of 100_5272100_5271the poncho that  I got done today.  And here you can see what Amy worked on. I wanted her to model my progress and she wanted to wear the hat she made while she did so.



And last, but not least...let the holiday season begin...100_5274

Steve took the girls out for a shopping trip this afternoon. This is one of the things they came home with. Aren't they cute??




I have so much to be thankful for with all these blessings!

Thanks for stopping by. I'm off to crochet some more.



  1. Sounds like a wonderful thanksgiving.
    Although we don't have Black Friday we have done a bit of online shopping today getting some great bargains.

  2. I'm so glad you had a nice Thanksgiving. Amy has the cutest toothless grins - very scrappable! The food looks so good, too! As for the slippers, they're pretty darned cute.


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read and appreciate each one. :)