
Sunday, December 7, 2008

Long Night...

This is a first for us. Jessica has been up all night, just about, with an upset tummy. She seems fine other than not being able to keep anything down. I'm not sure what it is as we all had the same dinner last night and she ate it all with gusto. She was fine when she went to bed, but then around 11 or so she got sick again and again and again. I apparently slept through the first part, but woke up around 1am to find her in the bathroom. I told Steve I'd stay up with her and so I have. She's been a real trooper and isn't freaking out about the actual act of throwing up (which I admire, because I don't do so well with that). She likes me to rub her back as it comforts her. I've got her parked on the couch with kid shows on the tv and she's finally dozing. Very strange and as I said, we've not had a situation like this before. I'm sure she'll be fine and we'll muddle through. I'm just not sure if I will make it into my corner today.

Send some healing vibes our way if you are of a mind to. Thanks!



  1. We must have more stomach viruses in Minnesota that you do in Colorado, because the situation you describe is common here. Don't be surprised if everyone in the household doesn't come down with it, too. As for Jessica, keep her drinking small amounts of water often as not to dehydrate. Catch some sleep when you can, too! I'll be thinking about you . . .

  2. Oh I am so sorry about that, poor thing. I hate it when kids get sick, it makes me feel so helpless! I hope she will feel better soon!

  3. I hope Jessica is on the mend soon and you all get some much needed rest.

    I am trying to think of a way to tape the kookaburra for you guys and put on my blog. What a kookaburra is known for is it's laughing sound which can be heard from far distances.

  4. so sorry to hear that she's sick. Get some gingerale, stir all the fizz out of it and have her take one sip every 20 minutes or so. Maybe that will help.

  5. Sending good vibes out!!! Hope Jess is feeling better and that you get some rest, too!

    Hugs from behind the HazMat suit...


  6. Hugs and kisses to Jessica...hate it when it's the kids that get so sick...hope it doesn't go thru the whole house...been there..not good!

  7. Oh my! Poor baby! I hope she feels better soon. I dealt with this last week with My Man. I got a lot of reading done! I know you will keep her hydrated and as comfy as possible, but don't forget to care for YOURSELF, too. I'll check on you later.

  8. Poor Jess! I hope she feels better soon and that you're able to rest as well. And I pray that it doesn't make a run through the rest of your family. Big hugs!


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