
Sunday, February 1, 2009

Erin Tagged Me, too!

kreativbloggeraward_thumb[8]I'm late in responding to this one, but I wanted to say thanks to Erin for thinking of me!

I'm supposed to list 7 Favorite Things so here we no particular order


1. My hubby and sweet girls (which is number one of course)

2. Reading blogs...I learn so much and get so inspired to create

3. Happy things...smiles, laughter, that bouquet on the side there

4. Computer...without it, I'd be lost and a lot less creative

5. Diet Coke (yep, it truly is a favorite-big surprise, no?)

6. Springtime...when everything is waking up after a long winter sleep

7. My house...even though I joke about basement envy, I really like the layout. Now if I could keep it less cluttered!

I'm supposed to tag others, but Erin picked some of the people I would have. So I'm just gonna throw it out there, if you wanna play...have at it! Thanks, Erin! Love Struck


  1. We have a lot of the same favorites, although it's coffee for me. As for basement envy, don't. The lower level of our split foyer flooded twice in 18 years. Significant damage both times. Made me believe underground living is only for gophers and the like. LOL.

  2. It's fun to learn new things about bloggin' buds -- tfs! ;)


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read and appreciate each one. :)