
Monday, February 16, 2009

Erin Told Me I Had to Post This!

Happy Monday to you! Today is President's Day and the girls are off of school, so I don't know if I will be able to sneak into my corner, but I thought I'd share this.

Remember when I posted the pictures of the Barbie house the other day? I mentioned I had a minature magazine that men like to look at? (I decided not to use the name again-so I don't get bizarre comments in the future). I didn't see it amongst the goodies I had in a baggie for the house and assumed it was lost? Well, guess what Jessica found the toilet no less ( which may be an appropriate place for it, yes?)!

She was so excited to find a "magazine" and happily showed her find to Amy, me and at my urging, her dad. She has no clue as to the content of this particular type of magazine and I can only hope she doesn't mention the name if she talks about it at school because I'd surely have some 'splaining to do.

I was chatting with Erin last night and told her about it. She wanted to see it and I took a picture. Now she wants me to put in on my blog. So...for you Erin, here it is! Jessica put it there, I never touched it! LOL At least it has a "clean" cover!


I hope I don't offend anyone by sharing this. It's all in good fun!

Oh and Erin made mention of this on the Fiskateers blog site and there are a bunch of super sweet comments posted in response. To those ladies, and all of you, I say a heartfelt thank you for your enthusiasm about the house!

Have a great day!

                   Persimmon Blog Decoration


  1. that is hysterical! love it....thx for the comment on my blog, and yes, digi for scrappin and paper for cards.

  2. ROFLMBO!!!! Jeanne, what a RIOT! :) Yes, hopefully she doesn't tell anyone at school that she has a Playboy in her dollhouse... ROFLMBO! You'd have some SERIOUS splainin to do!

    Thank goodness for clean covers!

    Thanks for the giggles!


  3. LOL! LOL! Oh no!!! Well, at least it's a 'nice' cover, 'cuz it could have been a real racy one!!! LOL! I am still amazed at all the work you put into the doll house. It's beautiful! LOVE it!! Thanks for the laugh.

  4. Cards, crocheting, the doll house, beautiful're one incredibly talented gal! Brenda

  5. You've provided the best laugh I've had all day. Before Jessica starts talking, however, you'd best replace "the" magazine with a miniature Good Housekeeping or something. LOL.

  6. very funny! LOL By the way, you've been tagged!

  7. Now THAT totally makes Barbie's house complete -lol! But it begs the question (at least for me anyway), if Barbie is so perfectly formed...well, perfect EVERYthing, WHY would Ken need a magazine like that?! ;) Too funny, Jeanne!

  8. He, He, Heee!
    I don't think any of my doll house even had bathrooms.
    My barbies must have used the Outhouse!!


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read and appreciate each one. :)