
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Wow! Wow! It's Wubbzy!

Happy Wednesday to you! Yes, it was a shameless play on the title of the Nick, Jr. show, but it works for my latest project share. LOL

Meet Wubbzy of Wuzzleburg. He's about 13 inches tall and about 4 inches wide. He actually feels kind of like a pillow.
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And see the two happy girls holding Wubbzy! They are only getting one, so hopefully they will share nicely.


I finished him up this afternoon while waiting for the girls to get out of school. Because it's Wednesday, and early release day (meaning less time for Jessica at school), I pretty much spent my kid-free time today working on finishing him up. I was working on that tail today. It was quite interesting to see and do what was involved to make the curves in that thing!

I haven't been working on this non-stop, I have been trying to create cards, but I must be in some kind of creative funk. It's taking way longer than it should to finish one up that looks decent. Attempts are being made at creating, but results of the attempts are not share-worthy. LOL Add to that the fact that my house being messy is getting to me (or I'm experiencing some early spring cleaning fever-due to the spring-like temps we've had this week). I've spent some time cleaning, straightening and the like.

So, I'm sorry that there isn't much to report, other than the completion of Wubbzy. The girls are already clamoring for Widget, the Ms. Fix-it character in the show. No problem-o girls, I'll get right on it! LOL

Hope your week is going great! Thanks for visiting and all the lovely comments that you share. I truly appreciate you!



  1. OMG!!!! That is too stinkin cute. My daycare kids would go nuts over that. They love Wubbzy. Great job!

  2. Wow!Wow! is right!! This little guy and that fantastic owl have almost convinced me that I need to take up yarn art ... again ... kind of. As for your cardmaking endeavors, I understand. I haven't been to my corner yet today. It still contains all the torn up paper from last night. LOL. We'll see what happens! Thanks for sharing Wubbzy and the photo of those two adorable girls!

  3. Jeanne, this is awesome! Holy Moly! You are so talented! I knew exactly who this little guy was when I opened your blog. Nick, Jr. is a daily place to visit at our house. So cute!

  4. This is adorable! So so cute! You're really fast, too. I know the girls are excited about him.

  5. That is adorable and looks so much like wubbzy! He has been a favourite in our house for a few years lol.

  6. Oh My Goodness!!!! What a huge and adorable critter!!!!

  7. Adorable Wubbzy! I'd never heard of them, but he's really cute. ;) I can't get over how fast you can whip these projects out for your girls -- amazing! (Are they bribing you by doing all sorts of chores so you'll have time to create...or are you bribing them so that you'll take the time to create for them? lol)

    I hear ya on the missing mojo for making cards. It happens to us all. I had a rough time last week, but I'm feeling better about it now. ;) Maybe you're just so wired into the yarn projects for the time being, it's hard for the brain to switch gears? However, since I'm reading your posts backwards, it appears you got your card-making mojo back -- YAY!


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read and appreciate each one. :)