
Thursday, March 26, 2009

Guess "They" Were Right This Time...

And now they are calling it a blizzard! Look at what it looks like around here at about Noon on Thursday, March 26, 2009...

100_5728 100_5729 100_5730 100_5727

The first three shots are taken from my front porch (zoomed to try to show you our street sign) and the last shot is taken from our French Door into the back yard. All this accumulation is from this morning (roughly 6am) up to now and they say we may not have seen the worst of it. Guess Mother Nature wants to make up for a winter of very little snow all in one storm!

I called Steve, at about noon, to see if he planned on leaving work early and he was already on the road coming home. Usually it takes about 25 minutes for him to get home...who knows how long it will take today~it's now almost an hour after I called him. I've shoveled the drive twice in about an hour or so and shoveled about 4 inches of snow each time. Of course, the wind is blowing a lot of it around, so it may have been the same 4 inches twice!

Impressive, huh? Good thing the girls and I don't have to go anywhere!



  1. Oh my goodness! You got it, too! I hope Steve got home safely. Enjoy your time indoors with the girls. It looks like there's enough snow (if it's warm enough) to build a snowman or two should they get "cabin fever!"

  2. Wowzer Jeanne, that's a lot of snow! Hope you are all OK

  3. oh my...that is a lot of snow :)

  4. OMG, I just showed Zac and he thinks we should head over again at Easter for another snow holiday.

  5. Holy Moly! I do not want any of that here in Nebraska. We are cold, but at least we don't have snow (keeping my fingers crossed).

    Hello Spring, where are you?


    Mama Nature is meaner to you guys this week! Thankfully our snow was a couple of measly inches that didn't stick around!

  7. Well my goodness! Snow. And a lot of it. Enjoy! We've got Spring in full swing here...we were doing yard work in short sleeves and flip flops!

  8. You got some nice pictures of the snow storm, Jeanne! We ended up with about 9-10 inches too. Made for a nice stay-at-home day, as everything we had scheduled for that day was canceled. I'm glad that we finally got some snow, but it's equally nice that it's disappearing quickly too. ;)


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