
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Guess I Should Have Moved the Ladder…

Happy Wednesday to you! Hope it’s been a good one. I decided to try to do some creating this morning, after I dropped Jessica off at school, but nothing got completed, so I still don’t have any new artwork to share. Maybe tomorrow. On Wednesdays I have a lot less kid-free time as it is Early Release Day for the school, and when what ideas you have in your brain aren’t translating well on paper, well that pretty much means I have nothing to show for my efforts.

As I walked into the house, ahead of the girls after picking them up, I saw something on my kitchen windowsill that took a second or two to process. There was a squirrel on my windowsill…INSIDE the house! He was casually moseying back out through the hole he apparently chewed in our screen. We have lived in this house since 1996 and I have never, ever seen a squirrel inside my house (mice, yes…squirrels, no). He must be pretty hungry. Or pretty brazen. That’s the window screen I finally figured out how to get off so I could clean the window (and yes, I’m realizing maybe I should have moved the ladder…LOL). My hubby at one point made a new screen for this window and made it pretty much the same size as the opening, so it’s a bugger to get off. Interestingly enough, we’ve had that ladder in just about the same spot off and on through the years (leaving it out for days, even) and nothing has chewed through the screen before.  Steve isn’t gonna be too thrilled about this, I don’t think.


Guess I’d better get to moving that ladder about now, huh?

Have a good one. Thanks for stopping by…



  1. Oh my Jeanne that is SO funny!!! Would have loved a pic of the squirrel in the house ha ha.
    A friend of ours back in the UK had a catflap into their day they come home to find out their cat had dragged a full sized Sea gull into the house. The bird was too big to be badly damaged by the cat...BUT it sure did make a mess of their kitchen!!!! It can always be worse LOL

  2. That's what you get for cleaning that screen! LOL. I love to watch squirrels (outside, of course) but wasn't very impressed when I saw one up close and personal once. They have creepy little rodent feet that can climb most anything. Hopefully, he won't decide he wants to move in ...

  3. Oh, My! I would have been freaking out and the squirrel would have ran all of my house with my luck. Holy Moly! I think the critters love you!

  4. Too bad you didn't have your camera to catch the little invader:) never thot they would enter a house...specially when they have to go thru the screen to get there....

  5. OMGoodness! But I think I'd MUCH rather see a squirrel in my home than a mouse. ;) Sorry about your screen, but at least you knew where he was and that he wasn't there long enough to do much (if any) damage...other than the screen, that is.

    What fun pics of Jessica! She's quite the ham. ;)


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