
Monday, May 25, 2009

Look Who Stopped By!

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My good buddy, Erin of Inky Smiles blog! Wow! How cool to finally meet her in person! She and her hubby, Brent and their furbaby, Sadie were driving home from visiting her family and they “just happened” to be traveling close to where we live. She called and of course we had to get together!

This is how cool blogging (and Google Talk) really is! It  felt like we already knew each other and it was fun chatting for a bit while they caught their breath for the next leg of their journey home. Thanks so much, Erin, for making that call and taking the time to stop by.

Amy was absolutely giddy and silly over meeting her chatting buddy in real life, as if you couldn’t tell from the photos. LOL

What a great way to end the weekend. Kathi, you’re next, right???? *Ü*


  1. Oh how fun! You two must have had a wonderful visit!

  2. OMG! I'm SO jealous ... of Erin, of you - both of you!! I'm teasing, of course. Fantastic!! What a wonderful surprise and great opportunity for both of you. Me next? I so hope so!

  3. WOW that is too cool! The girls look so excited.

  4. One word for both of you...JEALOUS! How awesome. I wish I had been there. What a special surprise.

  5. How cool is that! That's what it's all about! :)

  6. How fun to meet someone you have chatted with on-line....Looks like you guys had a good time together


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read and appreciate each one. :)