
Saturday, June 27, 2009

Cover of Alive Book...

I couldn't wait. I just took a couple of pictures and hope you can see the cool!



  1. It's amazing what they can do with a book these days! This seems like a great way to get someone interested in opening the book!!!

  2. Wow! What an incredible book! My kids would have loved this when they were little. Heck, they'd love it now. . . (and so would I:) ) Hopefully, it's summer that's been keeping you busy? It looks like the birthday party did! What great food items and decor! It looks like JS also did a layout a day--I drifted from layouts for awhile, wanting to spend me "free" time more in photography and writing. So little time; so many ways to play :)

  3. Okay, gross. But, I know my boys would LOVE that book! It beats!! Maybe we'll look for some human anatomy books at the library this week. It's time they get past the dinosaur stage anyway!

  4. Cool, but kindof creepy. :) I'm just one that can't handle that kindof stuff.

  5. Summer at your house looks like a blast! How very lucky your kids are, you rock as a mom!

  6. How fun!I love these books! I used to be a Distributor for DK years ago. We used a lot of their books in our home schooling. Aren't the photos great? This is a wonderful book...your girls are sure to learn a lot from it.

    I want to get one of these for m y DK collection. I ♥ that it lights up! So cool!

  7. That looks like a WONDERFUL book, Jeanne! How cool that it's so interactive --makes learning fun. ;) tfs


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