
Saturday, June 6, 2009

Layout about Amy and Georgiana…

Good morning! I’ve spent entirely TOO much time on this relatively simple layout, but I persisted because this is something I don’t want to forget. This is about something that happened with Amy while we were eating dinner recently. I didn’t have my camera around at the time, so I took the photo you see in the layout this morning to help me tell the story.


Template: Simple Scrapper WAL Task 3 by StarXLR8 Designs (not using it for it’s intended purpose, though hope that’s okay)

Kit: At The Park, Talk Dots, (Nitwitcollections)

Font: Print it! Becca (Sweet Shoppe Designs)


Well, I started this post this morning and am just now getting to publishing it. The day started off pretty darn good, but has ended up with a frustrated and very upset mommy. Both girls have made some very poor behavior choices that make me feel sad and disheartened. Two different incidents, but both choices they have made to behave inappropriately and in a manner that is unacceptable. One happened today at a birthday party we attended (the offending child was brought back home, kicking and screaming), and the other I was just made aware of after we got home from the party. It was something that occurred the other day (and had I known, she might not have even attended any birthday party). I’m not sure just yet how to respond to either incident and hope that whatever action is taken, it will impress upon them the gravity of the choices that they have made. Sigh…I’m just sad right now.


I might not have even mentioned anything, but life  is sloppy and messy and we have to take the bad with the good, I guess. They are both basically good kids, I know, but when stuff like this happens you question yourself and your abilities. There’s something to be learned from this…I just hope I can figure out what it is.

Thanks so much for stopping by. I hope your Saturday has progressed more pleasantly than mine.



  1. (((((Jeanne))))) I find it SO hard as a Mom to deal with these types of incidents, and tend to take them as a reflection of what a bad Mom I am, which is SO not right. I am not saying you are doing anything like that BUT I DO feel your sadness. Sigh...You gotta take the good with the bad. I only know you through our blogs but I can tell you are a genuine person and a loving and caring mother. In the long run it is THAT fact that will shape your wonderful children. I try to focus on the big picture when things like this happen.
    OK Like you needed to hear my ramblings...I just wanted to know I empathize.

    I was absolutely enchanted with your layout...I read the journaling and couldn't stop smiling. Just precious. These are the moments that make life so wonderful.
    I hope sharing in your post helped your pain somewhat.

  2. Jeanne,

    Wonderful layout - it was totally worth the time invested! It perfectly preserves this very special moment! I love that your daughter knows parenting it about doing what right sometimes not just what's popular. That sure reflects positively on you!

  3. That is a great layout with that sweet journaling!

  4. Your layout is precious - a great way to hold onto a wonderful memory. As for misbehavin' kids, Sarah said all the right things! Hang in there, friend.

  5. What a cute layout and story - I sure got a giggle out of it as well! As for "bad" kids, don't let it get you down - things happen and no kid is ever perfect, they all have their moments! Take care and thanks for all you share here on your blog. I don't always have time to comment, but I check it out every day. Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog as well.

  6. I love your layout! It's darling.

  7. I'm sorry that you had to go through such a tough time with BOTH of your girls, and at the same time no less (did they plan this? lol). I hope you realize that kids will be kids (and sometimes their misdeeds are often encouraged by other kids), and that no amount of good parenting can prevent them from misbehaving at times. I've been through it before, and know that it's entirely possible I'll be faced with it again...human nature's just that way. Keep your chin up, your eyes and ears open, and a firm and united resolve -- they'll learn from your consistency and how you love and care for them. Kids who have that will tend to act in such a way as to honor and respect their parents because they know how much it would hurt them not to. Hang in there! ;)

    Oh, and BTW, this LO is so wonderful! I love how you've captured her imagination {and sensibility -lol!}...and I'm sure someday she'll get a good laugh from it (like when she has kids).

    big hugs!

  8. Hugs to you Jeanne. It's so hard to be a mom sometimes, isn't it? Especially, when our children are less than stellar. I hope that you and your girls are able to work something out.

    I adore the layout you posted as well. Too cute. Your girls are super lucky to have you and for your abilities to document times like these in such a great manner.

  9. Great layout, Jeanne! I love the name Amy gave her giraffe. This story is priceless and it is so cool how you took a picture of Georgiana in the high chair. This layout is spectacular! Love it!

  10. AWESOME layout, Jeanne! What a cute story, too. When I see your layouts, I always want to go scrap something! You just have that effect on me!

    RE: the girls. I think Sarah covered things very well. And just know, too that ALL of us moms have had to deal with something with our children that makes us question ourselves. I know you and your hubby have handled it by now...

    Sending a big ol' hug your way...


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read and appreciate each one. :)