
Saturday, June 13, 2009

Look Mom, No Training Wheels!

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This was how our day started, today. Yay, Jessica!

Thanks for looking!

Jeanne & Jessica *Ü*


  1. Hooray for Jessica!!! Way to go! Great photos, Jeanne! Love all the smiles and barefoot Daddy! Very cool.

  2. Yeah Jessica is RIGHT! What wonderful photos to remember this day! These are the most wonderful things - the BIG moments that I remember from my own childhood - learning that Yes, I CAN do it (as Kathi explained in her post earlier today). WAY cool! Thanks for sharing - you've made me cry now.

  3. Congratulations, Jessica! This is a milestone. She will want to ride all the time now. You go, girl!

    Love the pics! I can't wait to see the scrapbook page for these.

  4. Yeah for Jessica! Your pics are just darling. I'll admit, I never learned how to ride a bike. Can't wait to see the layout you make.

  5. Way to go, Jessica!!! What an accomplishment! Great pics, Jeanne --can't wait to see them in a LO! ;)

  6. VERY cute! Way to go Jessica! What awesome pics, Jeanne.

  7. Woohoo Jessica...can't wait to see you scrap these pics!!!!
    Now I need Amy to be able to do this ha ha.

  8. Hurray for can your husband run on the street with no shoes on...ouchy!!! oh dear...I sound like my mother :(


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read and appreciate each one. :)