
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Teapot Pincushion, Mary Engelbreit Style…

Look at what I just finished! Isn’t it cute?! I’m pretty pleased at how it came out. I got the pattern free at Crochet Soiree, although I can’t link it, because for some reason, it’s no longer available there. It’s possible  it was a freebie available only during their launch week. It’s supposed to be a pincushion, but it’s awfully darn sweet as just a decor item. Amy’s singing, “I’m a Little Teapot,” as I type this. Too cute!

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I made twelve of those little flowers that you see on the lid (the pattern called for 12), but they didn’t all fit (maybe my tension was too tight, I don’t know), so I strayed from the design to add some to the side of the pot. I made ‘em, thought they were cute and wanted to use ‘em!

I’m pretty sure the recipient of this doesn’t read my blog, unless I mention there’s something I would like her to look at. Well, if she does see this, I sure hope she’ll act surprised when she gets it. LOL

Thanks so much for your sweet comments on the cupcake I posted the other day. As time has gone on, it’s grown on me, so I will leave it as is. I think you may have figured out why I chose the ME style for it. hee, hee


I don’t know if you heard, but there were 5 tornadoes in the Denver Metro area on Sunday. I was chatting with Erin at the time and had no clue. Although, it did get pretty dark here and the rain came down in sheets and bitty lumps (hail) for a few minutes. I mention it because I found out later that one of the funnels was spotted just a few (like 3 or 4, max) miles north of where we live! I don’t believe that one caused much damage (if any). But there was another one south of Denver that hit the Southlands Mall and caused significant damage. They say that one was on the ground for a good thirty minutes! We’ve heard of and seen video of funnels appearing out east more, but it’s not common for them to show up in our neck of the woods. Mother Nature sure is a temperamental lady.

Our weather lately has been quite different than what’s been “normal” over the past several years. We’ve been in a drought situation and I think it’s changing back to what it used to be like when we first moved here. More thunderstorms and rain than we’ve been used to over the past several years. It’s interesting and keeps us on our toes, that’s for sure. LOL The very good thing is, despite hitting that mall, only one person was injured, and that was because he was on his front porch watching it when it hit, rather than taking cover. I think he’ll be okay. I think we have the threat of severe weather all week, although yesterday around here, it was pretty quiet. Let’s hope the tornadoes stay away!

Have a good one! Thanks for stopping by and for all your encouraging and supportive comments. I sure do appreciate your taking the time to visit and leave them.



  1. Wow, this is gorgeous! You're super talented!

  2. That is just too darned cute! I am cracking up at Amy singing I'm a little tea pot ha ha.
    I heard on the news about the tornados and immediately thought of you!!! I am glad everything is OK. There is nothing worse than that...our sirens go off wayyy to often in Iowa.

  3. What an adorable little teapot! Cute Amy singing in the background, too!
    Your weather is wonky, too! Last week we had thunderstorms and two people were actually struck by lightning...sadly, they perished. And it is so cold here today...just doesn't feel like summer is around the corner. Feels more like Fall/Winter. Weird. Stay safe...


  4. So pretty Jeanne. I second Sparkle's sentiment. You're super talented.

    I'm glad you all escaped the tornados. I actually didn't even realize there had been any until I read your comment on my blog asking if we were affected. Crazy weather here in Colorado, huh?

  5. The teapot is so cute... but I saw the word tornado! I have only seen them in movies and they look real scary. Do you have to go under your house? I am glad everything is fine atm.

  6. Cute! When my Grandma taught me to sew the first thing she had me make were a couple of pincushions - from scraps, of course. Anyway, just the mention of a pincushion fills my head with sweet memories. Marv heard the news about the tornadoes before I did and asked, "Where's Jeanne?" It sounds like they were close enough! Scary. We're glad your OK and no one else was seriously injured.

  7. GORJUS!!!!! you are killing us with all your beautiful creations! I sooo wish I had patience for crocheting... I get going and my stitches get all wonky. LOL about Amy singing in the background.... hehehe!

    The weather is wonky here, too. We are back to rain, rain and more rain again this week. We were also in a drought for many years, but it seems like it's gettin back to "normal" again.

    Be safe! Go in the house when the skies get scary! Lots of tornadoes in IA in the summers... it was way scary!

    Did u get that link I sent with the funnel pics in Denver?


  8. Oh my, Jeanne! This is soooo cute! You are so talented and I love these crocheted projects. I showed my hedgehog to my stamp club and they loved it! She sits on my stamp desk. Can't wait to see what you do next.

  9. This is so cute, Jeanne! I just love all of the fun items you've been crocheting!

    I was just thinking about emailing you to see if you were doing okay...not about the tornado (cuz I knew your town wasn't hit), but because I hadn't received any blog updates from you all week. Guess I should've just come and taken a peek at your blog, cuz it seems that it was just a FeedBlitz mishap --I should've known. Well, I'm glad you guys are well and that you've been busy creating. Time to take a peek at what else I've missed here this week. ;)


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read and appreciate each one. :)