
Saturday, August 29, 2009

Cross Stitched Butterflies...

Hello there!

Remember all those days over the summer when I said the girls and I went to the pool and I'd let them swim while I worked on my handwork? You may or may not have noticed that I never said just what it was I was working on and that was on purpose. It was a birthday gift and I didn't want the recipient to have an inkling of what I was up to. Sneaky, huh? I finished up the project, framed it and sent it on its merry way and then the waiting started. I was antsy to hear that it arrived safe and sound and it did!

You want to know one of the reasons I love the internet so much? Because I've "met" some pretty special people online that I never would have had the opportunity to meet in real life. Kathi is one of those very special people. We first "met" when we were both consultants for CTMH. The following is true, but I don't know if Kathi even remembers this...I hope it doesn't make her feel on the spot or anything, but I had posted something on the consultant message boards and I think I had said I wasn't sure if I could share where I got the information from as it was from a book. I think I had taken a picture of the book and posted it or something like that. Anyway, Kathi responded with what I've come to know as her wonderful wisdom and pretty much told me about copyrights and such(a very strong passion of hers and she lets you know not to violate them). I remember sort of feeling put in my place by her response, but not in a bad way. It just made me much more conscious of copyrights and that is a good thing. But I didn't think she liked me much at that time...I don't know why, maybe I thought I should have known better at the time about copyrights. LOL I ended up quitting CTMH and she ended up starting a blog. I'd check it from time to time (when I could remember she had one, this was way before I discovered Google Reader) and over time I would be so enamored of her creations that I left comments and it was from there that we would email each other from time to time and our friendship blossomed. I'm truly grateful to Kathi for her wisdom, humor and immense talent in creating deceptively simple cards. She inspires me to want to do and be better. And because of this I wanted to do something extra special for her birthday. And here it is...for my friend Kathi. Thank you so much for your friendship.

I have met so many other wonderful friends online as well. And I appreciate and treasure each one.

I didn't mean to get all sappy, but I think it's important to let those you care about know you care about them. Have a wonderful day...thanks for your friendship and thanks for visiting!


  1. WOW Jeanne. This is absolutely gorgeous and breathtaking. What a labor of love.

    I loved reading your story about how you and Kathi started out. How fun and what a great friendship and bond you all have.

    Have a fabulous weekend.

  2. Your photo does not do those breathtakingly beautiful butterflies justice. And, I am still humbled every time I look at them, which is often.

    And, so I went off on a tangent about copyrights at YOU? No, I didn't remember that and have to say I'm rather embarrassed. Passionate, maybe, but perhaps wrong as well. Since my spiel(s), I've come to learn that copyright laws include many gray areas that can be interpreted in a number of ways. And, thus I don't say much about it anymore.

    I can't tell you how thankful I am that you overlooked my "witchiness" and sent that first email after finding my blog. You were my first cheerleader and most likely the reason I kept blogging. You are also one of the best people I know. I don't have a long "bucket list," but one of the items on my short list is to meet you. I'm going to make that happen one of these days (or years when there isn't a wedding or pickup purchase - this week's "little" expenditure). LOL. I'll give you some warning first.

  3. Jeanne, this is beautiful! I know what you mean about the internet bringing new friends together. I am so glad we have become friends too! Inky Hugs!

  4. Another beautiful project! You never cease to amaze me with your creativity and the speed at which you create! You are such a thoughtful friend, Jeanne. This framed cross-stitch is something I'm sure that Kathi will treasure for years to come, and no doubt will be a cherished reminder of your special friendship. tfs

  5. I am speechless Jeanne..this is totally amazing and Kathi must have been SO HAPPY to receive it. I bet you made her day/week!!! You guys have birthdays so close together.
    I am so glad that I have gotten to know you both. You are wonderful people!

  6. Jeanne,
    What a wonderful work of love! I used to cross stitch (when my eyes were younger) and I know it takes a lot of time to create something this gorgeous! But, I do have to agree with you, Kathi is totally worth it.


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read and appreciate each one. :)