
Thursday, November 26, 2009

Counting My Blessings Today...

“Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.”
—Melody Beattie

Happy Thanksgiving to you!

On this special day
(one that feels sort of forgotten with all the hoopla over the Christmas Season)

I want to express thankfulness for the blessings in my life.

Of course, that includes my family.

I'm thankful for a husband who works hard providing for his family.

I'm thankful for two little girls who bring light and joy to my days.

I'm thankful for my friends, in real life and in the computer.

These are givens.

I'm also thankful for

A strong body, that, while not physically perfect, allows me to work hard creating
a clean and comforting haven for my family.

Two hands that allow me to create items from the heart.
Items I hope bring a sense of joy to others like they do me in the making of them.

Two eyes that see the potential and fun in different creative endeavors.
I may not be inherently creative (coming up with original ideas) but I am thankful that I can see something I like and use my abilities
to execute those ideas to bring joy and happiness to myself and to others.

I'm grateful for my curiosity.
It allows me to remain open to new ideas, to try new things, to see things from a different perspective.

I'm thankful for the computer (and the internet).
Silly as that may sound, the computer and the internet have opened a whole new world to me.
A world full of wonderful friends I would never have known otherwise,
of ideas I never would have been exposed to,
information that I might have otherwise missed.

I'm thankful to wake up each morning
full of joy and comfort in the potential that comes with each new day
(with no mistakes in it yet <-----Anne of Green Gables reference *Ü*).

I hope you have a wonderful holiday with your family and friends.
(I also hope the Broncos win today!)

Thank you for stopping by and for always sharing your thoughts support and encouragement.
I am truly blessed.


  1. Beautifully said my sweet, wonderful friend! I hope your day is as special as you are. Big hugs!!

  2. Jeanne,
    Happy Thanksgiving to you as well! Thank you for your sweet thoughts!

  3. What wonderful things you are thankful for. I don't think it matters who we are or what are exact circumstances are. There is always something and probably many things that we can be thankful for. You've said it perfectly.

    Enjoy your Thanksgiving and go Broncos!!!

  4. Happy Thanksgiving. You are truly blessed.

  5. Happy Thanksgiving Jeanne!

    Loved reading your list of what you are thankful for.

  6. What a beautiful post, Jeanne! I love that you wear your {beautiful} heart on your sleeve, you're always so open and honest, and you're always looking for ways to make the most of life. And you share all of this with others.

    Your thankfulness was very well said, and I hope you know how thankful others are to have you in their lives.

    Happy Thanksgiving, my sweet friend (even though I'm a little late).

  7. What a sweet post! You are a wonderful friend in my computer! I hope to meet you one day. :)

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  8. This is beautiful, Jeanne! And the quote you start with is just perfect! You know, your attitude of gratitude (I didn't mean for that to sound so silly!) really comes through every day in the things you write on your blog, and in your comments. :) Happy Thanksgiving!

  9. Jeanne,

    I love your list. It's lovely and well thought out :) It's fun to see what others are thankful for, helps bring perspective into our own lives.

    I am grateful for you and our friendship!




Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read and appreciate each one. :)