
Monday, March 29, 2010

Daisy Chatelaine

I saw a really neat project on the Sew Ritzy Titzy blog recently, something Dawn called a Daisy Chatelaine. It really appealed to me because the motif was a daisy, which was my mom's very favorite flower. I also loved the blue she used that made the white pop. You can see Dawn's version and tutorial here. She did a great job on the tutorial and I didn't have any problems, until I tried making the I-cord. For some reason I just could not get it to work for me, so I ended up creating a half double crochet cord. I like how it looks and it was immensely less frustrating than the cord I was trying to make. I think the thread is just a bit too slippery for me to make that neat i-cord she references.

I honestly didn't know what  chatelaine meant, so I just looked it up and found what seems to be a good explanation here. I won't be wearing this around my waist, but I sure think it's pretty and it makes me think of my mom and smile and that is a very good thing.

This is the front.

And this is the back.

I'm not quite sure just where I'll put it yet, but I really like how it came out.

I happen to enjoy reading book reviews that other blogger's write. I've not shared many books I've read, but I've got to change that this afternoon. I recently finished a book called, If You Can't Lose it, Decorate it, by Anita Renfroe. I checked it out of the library after looking at it and putting it back several times over the past few months. Boy, am I glad I finally borrowed it. I thought it was laugh out loud funny (meaning, I literally laughed out loud at parts while I was reading it...thankfully no one was home at the time, they might have thought I was a bit nuts). It's classified as Christian inspiration and she uses biblical references, but it's not preachy. She just uses them to make her point. It's basically a book encouraging you to look at things from a different (and very funny) perspective. Her humor is very entertaining and I am wishing the library had more titles by her that I could check out.

Another book I picked up is Thank You Power, by Deborah Norville. I'm in the midst of reading it right now and am really enjoying what she has to say and the research that's been done to back up what she shares about living with a sense of gratitude. 

I really like reading books that are inspiring and encouraging and these two are definitely that. They remind me to think and look at things from other perspectives aside from the all too easy negative. If you are interested in this type of reading, you might enjoy these, too.

That's it from me today. I've been ducking and dodging the housework for the better part of the day. I'd best get to it now. Thanks so much for stopping by. I hope your week is off to a great start. And in the interest of being grateful, I am truly blessed to have you stop by during your busy day and read what I have to share. I truly appreciate it!


  1. Hi Jeanne! Beautiful chatelaine! I wrote that like I knew what it was. I didn't, but I do now. LOL.
    Your handiwork is always gorgeous.

    After a long day, I see I've got a little house work to do, too. Darn. Better go do it.

    Thanks for sharing. Glad your week is off to a good start!

  2. Anything that reminds me of my Mom is just wonderful! My Mom painted - she was quite good actually, and I have one she did of sunflowers in my bedroom. It's the first and last thing I see each day. I feel closer to her somehow. I love your chatelaine - it's very pretty! Enjoy.

  3. This is just SO gorgeous! My Mom's favourite flower is the daisy too. This one is incredible--even better than the real thing. LOVE the blue!

  4. Jeanne, this is so pretty! I love the blue and white. Love it!

  5. I have no idea what chatelaine is, but you made a beautiful one. ;D (My mom's favorite flower used to be the daisy...until she started growing irises, that is.) Nothing can replace a mom's special place in our glad that this beautiful project brings a smile to your face and makes you remember your mom. Like Sharli did, I hope you'll find a very special place to hang it to keep that smile and memory ever-present for you.

    Thanks for your book reviews too. I LOVE Anita Renfroe...she's hilarious (and in a clean and refreshing way). Have you ever seen her video clips on YouTube? I didn't know that Deborah N. had a book out...maybe that'll be something I can read while on the stepper (I always NEED something to take my mind off the huffing and puffing that comes along with the drudgery of exercise -lol). ;)


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read and appreciate each one. :)