
Friday, May 21, 2010

Fun Field Day

We couldn't have ordered more perfect weather for today's Field Day! The sun was shining, the temperatures were mild and there was just a slight breeze to keep one from getting over heated. The past couple of years they've held a type of Field Day on Saturday and invited all the families to come and enjoy the day with their kids. This year they went back to having in during the school day. I think I like having it today's way better. There were 9 stations for the kids to rotate to and all the kids participated at all the stations. When they can select for themselves, only a few stations are super popular and others don't get as much attention, not that they are any less fun.

I've got a lot of pictures in this post, starting with Jessica's turn in the morning. Amy's class went in the afternoon.

This rope bridge was very cool. It was set up by the local Cub Scout Master and while it looked intimidating, the kids easily went across it, not once but several times. I heard quite a few kids declare it was awesome.

Jessica really got a kick out of the belly bumpers!

And of course, the huge slide was a huge hit! Love that Jessica goes down all by herself. She even jumped pretty high a couple of times before sliding. One time she even went down on her tummy!

This was so cute. Look how intent she is on getting to launch her sling shot. Love the expression I caught on her face.
She proved to be a natural at the marble picking up with your toes activity. She got 21! I don't know for sure the time limit, but it wasn't more than 30 seconds.
Here she is with her best buddy flinging shoes!
And they were partners for the three legged race. They did great together.
There was a pair of girls who didn't walk the race, they galloped! It was so fun to watch them.

Taking a breather.

Then she decided to jump rope after enjoying her otter pop.

Now we have Amy and her best buddy, Hattie, at the shoe fling.

I love watching Amy as she does the hippity hop. (the pictures I took of Jess at this station were all blurry, darn)

Amy insisted she wasn't going to do the belly bumpers because she said last year she got stuck. I encouraged her to at least try it, since she was a year older and bigger now. She had a blast and declared they weren't her worst nightmare anymore! LOL

Love the flying hair.
Her class was very generous. There was a boy  in a different grade who is wheel chair bound. He didn't get to attempt this during his class's rotation, so Amy's class let him have a turn and cheered him on all the while. It was very sweet.

I sure got lucky catching some fun expressions!

This station had the sling shots, sack race and these nifty frisbees that were made of fabric. Amy definitely flung with abandon.

She got 16 marbles on her attempt.

This last station was not set up for the younger grades. I had to sign a waiver to allow Amy to participate. The company was called Extreme Challenge and the kids to got do variations on tug of war and also got to bop each other with rubber balls. Here Amy and Hattie are playing a type of tug of war. The person on the other end was trying to use one end of the rope that was attached to a truck while the girls were pulling on him in the opposite direction.

I liked this shot of Amy waiting for her turn at the marble pool.

I didn't get to visit Amy's class when they were holding their mock shops in the morning. As a culminating activity for their economics unit, the students paired up and created a shop. They had been earning fake money that they could spend at these shops. Amy and her friend, Angelo, opened a hair salon, where they did the hair of students who wanted it (I picked up some hair accessories and spike hair gel at the dollar store for them). Another shop painted fingernails. Amy's friend Hattie and her partner opened a candy shop. There was a massage shop and even a desk cleaner helper. I heard the event was a big success. I would have loved to have seen it in action, but it was held at the same time as Jessica's Field Day. What can you do? Amy had a grand time and understood why I couldn't stop by.

So, the girls had a great time and are tucked into bed. As for me, I think I'll head to the couch and doze  watch some tv. 

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Oh Jeanne, you are SUCH a great Mom! These photos are fun - but what you give the girls by being there for them is just priceless.


  2. What a great day for your girls and I'm so happy that you could snap so many great pics and be a part of it. If I let it, I get kind of down on myself for being a working mom and missing out on a lot of lifes moments such as these.

    What wonderful stations and I'm glad the weather was so cooperative. It was a gorgeous day and I'm hoping for one just the same today. Have a terrific weekend.

  3. Glad you all had a great time! I miss being in school, lol.

  4. What fun-looking activities! When my boys were in school, it was all serious stuff - very competitive and very disappointing for a lot of kids. Seeing how far you can kick your shoe looks much more enjoyable than doing pull-ups, chin-ups, or push-ups. LOL.

    It sounds like Amy had a fun day doing something cool, too.

    Your photos are great. Will make for a great layout.

    Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!!

  5. Oh that looks like she had so much fun...and again...the weather looks wonderful!


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