
Friday, May 28, 2010

Patriotic Porch...

Gee Whiz! Three posts, back to back?! In my defense, lately the girls have been all enamored with the Build-a-Bear website. We have 4 computers in this house and guess whose computer they want to use? Mine! Sigh. I know how they feel though, the two we have for them don't load very fast, currently they won't even turn on one of them. The other one in our spare room will be used if they have to. And Daddy's computer is off limits. So, that leaves mine. I have to squeeze in my posts right now while they are quietly enjoying some apple slices and caramel syrup. I've asked Steve to ramp up the other computers just a bit so they'll be happier on those. We'll see if it happens. Otherwise, my posting may be feast or famine style. LOL Right now you get a feast. Hope you don't mind!

Anyway, I have been picking up some items to help commemorate Memorial Day
(and most likely July 4th, too)
I thought you might like to take a peek.
Here is what I did with the hanging planters.
Not the greatest picture of them, but I also crocheted some stars. 
I found the pattern here after seeing this post.

We found this whirly twirly hanger at the Dollar Tree this morning.

And Jessica's teacher gave me this yesterday, which I thought was very sweet!

It was fun festooning the porch for the upcoming holiday!

Thanks so much for the visit(s)!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Love how you always decorate your porch.

  2. Your porch looks wonderful! I love your crocheted stars.

  3. WOW Jeanne, everything looks so great. You always decorate so nicely. One of these days, maybe your decorating will start rubbing off on me. Maybe. :)

  4. I do enjoy seeing how you've decorated, Jeanne! I rarely decorate although I like the idea! I just don't have the energy (or inspiration, I guess) to make it happen! LOL

    Good luck with the computer situation. Yikes.

  5. Your porch looks great. Love the crocheted stars - so pretty!

    Competition for your computer. I kind of know the feeling and am a bit of a sucker when it comes to giving in to cute kids. Hopefully, Steve will get another one ramped up to their specifications so Mom can blog!

  6. Hi Jeanne...wonderful porch....far more character than l have....but l'm adding it as fast as l can lol
    Pouring here today so having a snuggley hooky day today!
    Hugs x

  7. you sure have the beautiful decorations on your porch, very lovely!


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read and appreciate each one. :)