
Friday, May 28, 2010

We Made Ice-Cream Yesterday!

As a last day of school activity, Amy's class made ice-cream and her teacher was kind enough to send the recipe home with the kids.
Of course, she wanted us to try it.
Who cares that it was about an hour before dinner, right?
It was the last day of school.
And that calls for a bending of the rules!

Fill a gallon size baggie half full of ice cubes.
Add 6 tablespoons of salt.
In a smaller baggie add
1/4 tsp of vanilla
1 tablespoon sugar
1/2 cup of milk
Seal the smaller bag and put it into the larger bag. Seal the larger bag.
Go outside, in case a bag breaks.
Shake. Shake. Shake.
(for about 5 minutes)

Get Mommy in on the shaking because Jessica got tired.

While waiting for the ice-cream to form, Jessica took Mommy's camera and took a shot of Buster who was cooling off in the grass.

When it looks like this, it's ready!
Open carefully, grab a spoon, maybe add some syrup and sprinkles...
and EnJoY!


The girls had a great last day of school.
Amy's teacher even put together a short video of pictures she took of the class throughout the year, burned it onto a dvd and gave each student a copy.
One of the songs in the presentation was You've Got A Friend in Me. 
One of my very favorites, ever!
Yes, it brought a tear or two  to my eye.
So sweet!

Summer Vacation has begun!


  1. Glad they had a great last day! The ice cream looks yummy.

  2. Yummy! I am glad to see you too. Another great scrapbook layout.

  3. Someone in Reynna's class did a presentation on homemade icecream like that so she's been making some every couple of weeks or so. Yummy.

  4. I TOTALLY have to do this!! I've seen it before, but I've never tried it myself. Maybe tonight! Thank you!

  5. Darling! I remember making coffee can ice cream with the girls in my GS troop - we would roll the can back and forth between us . . . it's so much better when you have to work for it! Nice.

  6. Just did this with Grant. We had so much fun! It was totally easy! It may become a summer tradition!! Thank you, Jeanne! (I'm sending some Facebook friends over here to check this out!!)

  7. Yes, the last day of school IS a day to bend the rules and have some fun. I've never seen ice cream made this way. Like Sharli, I remember making coffee can ice cream with my Cub Scouts. The little guys would love this I think. If not, I'll shake it. They'll eat it! You've got some great photos here, too. Those girls get cuter and cuter. Nice seeing a photo of cute Mom, too!!


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read and appreciate each one. :)