
Monday, December 27, 2010

And Then There Were Two...

Hamsters, that is...
The front cage is Pam's and the back house is for Jessica's new friend, Mallory.
Steve bought this hamster house from a co-worker.
The initial idea was to give it to Amy for Christmas as a new home for Pam.
The pictures we saw of it made the rooms look a bit larger than they actually are.
When Steve brought it home, I knew immediately Pam would become claustrophobic. Can't have that!
Soooooo, we decided to give it to Jessica on Christmas
and yesterday they went out and picked up 
a dwarf Russian hamster that Jessica named Mallory...
She is pretty darn small, but pretty darn cute, too.
For most of yesterday, she stayed on the middle level (where the food and water is). She would start to go down the tube, then backtracked because she just wasn't sure.
Apparently overnight she figured out the tube because she was on the bottom level this morning.
And this afternoon Jessica tried holding her. Very sweet and thankfully she didn't bite.

This capped off a very nice Christmas for the girls
Pictures Amy drew for Santa, along with the baggie she used for carrots for the reindeer. Too cute
Obligatory shot in front of the tree (decorated by the girls). We had gone to a party on Christmas Eve and when we got home the girls were more interested in going to bed to get to sleep than in opening one gift (jammies). Who was I to argue? LOL So Jess is wearing jammies from a couple of years ago which are obviously too small, but she loves them.

And this is something I pulled together after seeing this idea at my friend Becky's house. She'd received the decorated rootbeer bottles from a friend.
On the way home from Becky's, the girls and I slipped into Walmart to buy the rootbeer and I put this together for the hosts of the party we went to. They were a hit. *Ü*

Christmas for the girls was fabulous.
I, on the other hand caught a pretty bad cold, so I wasn't quite myself. It's much better now, thank goodness.

While I won't deny that not getting the Expression I was so hoping for was pretty disappointing, it was kind of nice watching the Broncos finally win a game on the 32 inch flat screen I did receive.

Thanks for stopping by. I hope your holiday was fabulous!


  1. Aww Merry Christmas!! What great photos, and so happy Pam has a friend. :)
    Flat screen is good, maybe soon you'll get the E!! Never give up hope! :)
    LOVE the root beer bottles, how cute are they!!

  2. Your girls look super cute and those rootbeer bottles/reindeer are just adorable.

    I'm glad you're feeling better and sorry that you didn't get the Expression but the TV sounds nice and GO BRONCOS. That was an impressive come from behind win.

  3. Love the rootbeer reindeers :) too cute...and that hamster cage is great...good thing Mallory is tiny :)


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