
Thursday, December 9, 2010

SnowFamily {giggle}

The project I am sharing today was mostly completed yesterday, and is partially the reason I was so bummed to have run out of crafting time.

Isn't it adorable?! I like surprising the girls with the crafts I work on and this is one of those projects.
Jessica walked by as I was taking this picture and saw it. She was so cute in her enthusiasm for this. Ahhhh, feels good when that happens.

Anyway, this is another project I've been itching to work on since before Thanksgiving. I saw the idea on a blog (but I can't remember which one) that led me to the tutorial on Childmade. You should check out the tutorials on this site. SO many ideas, so little time! LOL

I didn't have any white gloves, so Dollar Tree to the rescue. That's where the frame comes from as well. I got a fleece scarf there too, because we don't own any patterned fleece. You could easily use stuff from around the house, but I got it in my head I wanted a fleece scarf. Oh and the fabric on the daddy is from some I picked up at the thrift store. The pattern paper is  DCWV winter stack. I had as much fun creating this as I did the elves yesterday. Although getting the finished piece into the frame just right took a few tries. LOL

I got a later start on creating today than I wanted, so I had to stop mid-project again today. Ah well. I was having a blast listening to Christmas music and getting more into the spirit of the season. 

Thanks so much for stopping by and thanks so much for your enthusiasm for what I create, it makes is even more fun for me.



  1. That is so cute! I must say that about everything you make. Cute, cute cute!!

  2. OMG. This is so cute, and that website .... Wow! Should I live so long. LOL.

    I love everything you do, Jeanne, but you knew that already!

  3. Jeanne,

    Another one of my favorite things are snowmen! Thanks for sharing.


  4. Hi Jeanne,

    So they are the fingers of white gloves?? How clever is that!! I love it!

    You are amazing - wonderfully creative!


  5. OH My Jeanne that is adorable!! I'll have to check out the site later. I have my gbabies today.
    Have a wonderful day my friend!!

  6. What a totally cute snow family.

  7. I wish there was more time also. I would love to do some crafts like that, but I just can't! I love what you created!


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read and appreciate each one. :)