Since I’ve grown so enamored of being able to use the Cricut over these past few years and enjoy seeing projects made from it, I subscribed to the digital version of the Cricut magazine. It used to be published every other month, but recently they switched it to a monthly publication. I’d love to have a hard copy version, but honestly, couldn’t afford it. Love that digital is available. And I can print off the pages I want to use when creating a project.
I really like the October issue. There are several neat projects using Happy Hauntings and the recently released project cartridge called Sweet Tooth Boxes. The project cartridges are just that, more geared toward 3-d type things. And now that I have the Expression, I don’t have to fiddle-futz too much in trying to make the 3-d stuff. (squeal).
With all that said, here’s something that I’ve been working on. It was a lot of fun to create. Thanks to the magazine for the inspiration, because that’s where I saw this. I never, ever would have come up with this on my own.
This is the tool box in the Sweet Tooth Boxes. It opens up and there is a little box inside. You could, if you wanted, put cupcakes inside. There are cut-outs to do just that. The only little glitch I found was that I couldn’t cut the inside box parts the same size as the tool box. I thought it would adjust for the fact that you are putting it inside the tool box and would need to be slightly smaller, but it doesn’t. I made a box for inside (to give the entire thing a little more stability) but I didn’t really decorate it because I’m not sure what I want to do with it.
Anyway, I saw this idea in the Cricut magazine (so I can’t link it). It totally gave me the justification I needed wanted to get the DCWV’s Ghosts and Goblins stack (seriously, I picked it up and put it back so many times before caving). The black pattern paper is from Lemon Flower (I thought it looked more interesting). The box itself is made from textured black cardstock from Hobby Lobby. The add ons (poison, caution, spiders) are from Happy Hauntings. You can’t really tell but there is glitter glue on the spiders (Jessica did that). They are put on with pop dots. I grabbed three ribbons from my stash, that worked really well and those stick pins are from Making Memories.
I had it all done a week ago, except for the caution and ribbon. I wasn’t sure just what I wanted to do and got inspired yesterday after letting it percolate for a while. I’m pretty happy with the finished project and hope you enjoy it too.
Maybe one if these days I’ll be inspired to pull out Fall/Halloween decorations. My house is sadly bare. I’ve been on a get rid of stuff kick and not a put out a bunch of decorations kick. Sorry.
Thanks for stopping by! Hope you are having a great weekend.
Oh Jeanne, I just love it! How cute is that? I just ordered a Cricut Expressions II and am hoping it's here tomorrow. I've never used a Cricut and I know I have a lot to learn. I subscribed to the printed version of Cricut magazine too, so we'll have a lot to talk about in the near future won't we? I'm also on the design team for Creative Paperclay and now for Amazing Mold Putty. I can see some really cool things coming up in the future.
ReplyDeleteHugs XX
This is fabulous Jeanne. Super cute and festive. I've been eyeing that sweet tooth cartridge. Although, I haven't busted out my cricut in months, if not more. However, that doesn't stop me from wanting new cartridges.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to get a subscription to that magazine as well a newly formed budget has put a serious damper on my spending so I have to really decide how to spend my funds and somehow, new products always win out.
Anyway, thanks for sharing your wonderful project!
Jeanne, this is FANTABULOUS! Wow! I can't believe it is October already. I love all the Halloween projects that will be out this month and yours is perfect. I am so glad you are having fun with your Cricut and we get to see these amazing projects.
ReplyDeleteI love the digital magazine subscriptions. The computer is a great place to hold all of them. I am all about less paper at home, because then I just have stacks and stacks to clean up.
Oh my gosh I am in love with this!!!
ReplyDeleteOh Jeanne! This is fantastic! Being the pirate lover that I am, I have a real big appreciation for this treasure chest! You have really out done yourself with this one! Your paper choices are perfect and I love the creepy spiders, too! Great job!