
Saturday, April 13, 2013

Digital Project Life-Week 8

I had started Week 7 earlier in the week and finalized it today. I pushed myself a little to get Week 8 started and finished. I got input from the girls on the colors. 
Click photos to enlarge if you like

Template: The Easy Life Template 2 by Jady Day Studio (Sweet Shoppe Designs)
Kit: So Eggciting by Kay Miller (Kay Miller Designs)
Layered Cards Everyday 4 (Good Times Together) by Cindy Schneider (Sweet Shoppe Designs)
Fonts: Camellia Dee, Rochester, Teletype

Whew, feeling a little better now. I just need to get going on last week and I'll be caught up. Whoo, hoo!

Thanks for stopping by. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!


  1. Jeanne,

    As always I love hearing about what's going on in your life and the pictures of the girls are beautiful. You will be glad that you've kept this up when they are in high school and you look back at these days. Thanks for sharing with us.

    Love and Hugs,

  2. Jeanne, your layouts are wonderful! I love the colors on this one...great job, girls! :) These are going to be beautiful all printed and bound together in an album. I really enjoy seeing little snippets from your daily lives. Keep up the great progress. I'm inspired by you! I may have to dust off my digi-scrapping skills and see what I can come up with.

    Barb :)

  3. What a fun layout. I love the colors on this and that you are putting what week it is and the dates. What treasures these will be.

  4. OH that's my kit!! heheh! It's an oldie, but you sure did a cute job with it! Your pictures are adorable and it looks like you all had a fun Easter! Love reading about what your girls got in their baskets :)


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read and appreciate each one. :)