
Saturday, November 16, 2013

Follow My Blog Feedly Button

This is a little housekeeping post. I never really said anything earlier this year when Google Reader disappeared. I just started following the blogs I read in Feedly. The transition was easy and I just never thought any more about it. Recently I've been wondering if people know how to follow me if they come across my blog. I know to copy and paste the blog's url into Feedly(or Reader when it was available) to add the blog to my list, but maybe others don't know.

So, if you are using Feedly or are looking for a service to house and keep track of all the blogs you follow, I recommend Feedly. I've added a button to the sidebar for one click access to follow my blog there.

If you want to add the same button to your blog, I recommend going to this post for the code. I tried and tried to copy the correct information at the Feedly Button Factory and couldn't get it right. The blog post I linked has the correct code and all you do is insert your blog address where indicated.

If I just totally confused you, I'm sorry. Just move along to my next post. *Ü*

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Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read and appreciate each one. :)