Here's a layout I started yesterday afternoon and just finished up. Dad has been happy to hand over the chore of mowing the back lawn to the girls. And while it's far from perfect, they do a very good job when they mow.
The kit I used is called Yardwork by Krisitn Aagard over at Scrap Orchard. I love how the lawnmower element looks a lot like our lawnmower. *Ü*
The template is from Set #169 by Cindy Schneider at Sweet Shoppe Designs.
Thanks so much for stopping by! Can you believe it? Three posts in two days?! Summer break is agreeing with me, so far. :)
Have a great day!
Love it and can't believe how big Amy has gotten. I love to mow. :) Thanks for sharing. Love and Hugs, Tamara
ReplyDeleteOoooh so cute Jeanne!! I'm so happy to see you scrapping again, and your layout is wonderful!! Such cute pictures of Amy! Good for you to teach them how to mow. We've been letting JP mow with the riding lawn mower this spring. Helps us keep up with the enormous amount Paul has to do.
ReplyDeleteSweet layout, Jeanne! I love all the little elements you've added. I'm so glad to see you posting. :)