
Sunday, January 6, 2019

Celebrate Winter Cards

Hello Friends!
Over my Winter Break from work, I've been working on a set of cards using Echo Park's Celebrate Winter collection. This post is very photo heavy, so grab a cup of your favorite beverage and hopefully enjoy what I have to share. 

I follow Kristie Marcotte's blog and You Tube channel. She is known for creating many cards using up a 6x6 paper pad. She is a big fan of adding layers to her cards, too. Back in the day, when I was a Close To My Heart Consultant, I loved to create multiple cards from one sheet of stamped cardstock and I loved to add layers. When I found Kristie's work, I was an instant fan. She is also very kind and generous in addition to being able to whittle away a 6x6 paper pad beautifully. I know I've shared about her a time or two already, but I thought I'd remind you where I am getting my inspiration. In November she shared her cards from the Celebrate Winter paper pad. She created 32 cards! I didn't create near that many, but over 20. Most are shown here. :)
I'm going to be super honest here for a minute. Feel free to continue reading, or jump to the pictures if you prefer. I have long struggled with feeling like all I do is copy other crafters' ideas. And that doing so somehow makes me less than as a crafter. It's that feeling of being less than creative in coming up with my own ideas or designs that has partially kept me from sharing as much on my blog over the past few years. I mean, really, why would people want to see a recreation of someone else's work? Maybe they don't. Maybe I don't need to be sharing my creations. And not too long ago, a very well known cardmaker posted a video that said if you are not a beginner crafter, you shouldn't be copying other people's work. You should be coming up with your own designs. That seemed to validate the struggles I was having and I pretty much quit sharing so much. I let that comment take the joy away from my crafting and sharing. I was still creating, just not sharing all that much. 

I kept thinking maybe that cardmaker is right and maybe I should be coming up with my own designs, but so far, my attempts at doing so lead me to feelings of frustration and lots of stuff in the trash bin. I'm coming to the realization that with the crafting that I enjoy, I follow patterns. When I crochet, knit or do cross stitch, I follow patterns. When I used to tole paint and scrapbook, I followed patterns. I made lots of stuff, I maybe tweaked something here or there that I liked better, but I've long been a pattern follower. And so, why should that really be all that different in my cardmaking? I follow patterns. It's how I create. 

So, I'm going to try to share more once again. If you like it, great, thanks for sticking with me and if it's not your cup of tea, feel free to skip along to the next blog.:) One thing I am going to try to do, is add more of my own tweaks if I can come up with something different. You should know that I  always, always credit the person whose work I am inspired by. 

And so, without further ado, here are the cards I came up with following Kristie's tutorial. Some of the colors seem off in the photos, but that is operator error. They coordinate much better in real life, I promise. This post is long enough, so if you have any questions about products I used, please feel free to ask in the comments. You might notice thin strips of glittery tape. Those are Peel Offs and were a generous gift to me from Kristie. She's on Design Team for Love From Lizi, an artist from the UK. These Peel Offs are exclusive to her line. Oh golly, they are fun to use. 

This snowman makes me smile. It's a Darcie's stamp. 

This card and the next one are my own takes on the sketch Kristie used. 
I really like how they turned out. 

And that's it from me! Thank you so much if you got this far. What a marathon post. 
Thanks so much for stopping by. 
I hope you have an awesome day!
Crafty hugs!


  1. Wow! Look at all of those amazing creations! You have been busy and I love them!

  2. First let me just say that you created a tremendous variety and array of card art from that paper pad, Jeanne! They are incredible! Kristie must be so proud of how she has inspired you! I know I would be! I always thought it was a compliment to CASE someone!!

    I'm sorry that you went through a period of doubting whether your art was good enough to share, but I'm glad you are past that. As we talked about, I rarely come up with a truly original design. I'm constantly inspired by another artist or sketch or challenge brief and I believe that's true for most of us! And here is another important part of sharing your cards on a blog: in doing so YOU are inspiring many others to take your cards and CASE them with some little tweak that makes them their own! So here's to 2019 and a very productive year for all of us!! Happy New Year! Hugs, Darnell

  3. What a cute collection, Jeanne ... and all from one pad! Have to say I admire how you put everything together ... pp and I don't make a happy combination, so I avoid it. A single strip might make it onto a card every so often ... though rarely! That leads me nicely to your really interesting post.

    Firstly, I'm so pleased you've decided not to be put off by one person's view. We all have different ways of expressing our creativity and (with one or two notable exceptions) I defy anyone to say that something they create is completely new! Without realising it, we absorb ideas and images from all over the place ... and use them in some way or another in our card making (or other artistic pursuit). I'm incredibly complimented on those rare occasions when someone uses anything I make to inspire their work!

    Secondly, without realising it, we add our own touches to our CASE'd work ... and that makes each piece unique to ourselves, regardless of where the inspiration came from. We all touch one another creatively ... we're all constantly learning ... and it probably doesn't even occur to us that we might be inspiring someone else with what we do! As the saying goes "use what talents you possess ... the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best".

    Have fun creating in your own way ... the world will be a better place because of it! Hugs, Anita :)

  4. Jeanne, I had to sleep on this... it made me so sad to read why you haven't been sharing.
    NO ONE should have the power to bruise your creative heart! I don't care how 'famous' whoever SHE is, without her followers, and those buying the products she is selling, to make the cards she's making, she wouldn't be so famous, would she now?
    We ALL have CASE'd a card - certainly it stands for: Copy and Share Everything... right? Besides that, her ideas, designs, and creations might have been inspired by something SHE SAW somewhere else!
    PLEASE know that I love every little thing your sweet, talented heart touches, Jeanne! JUst LOOK at all of these darling creations today!! You have used every scrap of that paper pad to make amazing cards... and Kristie must be so honored by you! I sure would be... xoxo

  5. Well, ditto to what everyone else said! I would have just repeated it all, but they got here first :) All artist find their inspiration from something, whether it's in nature or from another artist. You should NEVER feel bad that you are inspired from other's work. We all do that! And anyway, if what you are doing makes you happy and brings you joy then how in the world can you say that it's wrong! Share away girl! I want to see it all! Your cards today are adorable and really quite different from the inspiration :) I use to love to do this same technique with the 6x6 paper pads! It is fun! Happy week my friend!! <3

  6. That which has been is what will be, That which is done is what will be done, And there is nothing new under the sun. Is there anything of which it may be said, “See, this is new”? It has already been in ancient times before us. (Ecclesiastes 1:9-10, NKJV)

    That is the bible so you have to believe it!! giggles! That is right Jeanne... there is nothing new under the sun! I agree whole heartedly with each and every comment above. We ALL gain inspiration from the the things we see in our world from Blogland to the out of doors!!

    I applaud you for your honestly and pray that the encouragement you find here enables you to throw off the discouragement you received and continue amazing posts like this one!!

    I have told you before what you do with patterned paper is brilliant! and your coloring skills are perfection friend : )

    BIG (((Hugs)))

    p.s. don't make me come over there!! heeheehee

  7. As Kay said, "ditto, ditto, ditto...."

    I've been mulling over your thoughts about this for some time (just really sorry I didn't take the time to reply much sooner), and I'm sooooo glad that you've changed your mind about sharing your work. I think I'm like you in that I'm a lot more (and more quickly) inspired by seeing others' ideas as a jumping-off point (and sometimes an all-out CASE) than by staring at my supplies and waiting for an original spark of creativity. I try not to feel bad about that, even though I wish I could be more original in much of what I do, so I do understand why you might have been influenced by that particular crafter's thoughts.

    That said, it also occurred to that if you weren't sharing your creations here on your blog --along the lines of what Anita said-- some of your followers/fans wouldn't have the opportunity to see what inspired you (or what it inspired you to create!). For instance, I had never heard of Kristie Marcotte before I read about her on your blog. So your sharing...even if it's another's work or your interpretation of another's what the spirit of crafting blogs should be about. I'm soooo glad you've changed your mind and are going to be sharing with us again! So sorry for rambling, but just know I'm doing the happy dance for you because we love and are inspired by what you do!

    big hugs, and happy crafting AND SHARING in 2019! ;D

  8. Oops. Just me again. Forgot to mention how much I loved seeing all of your cards! It's awesome to get so many out of a paper pack AND add to your stash for when a need arises. :)

  9. Hi Jeanne. Sorry I'm so late to comment, but I am just seeing this post for the first time today.

    I agree with all of the above comments. I know we talked a little when working on your blog and I know I mentioned then that I loved seeing your creations and was hoping you would post more often. I'm so glad you've decided to share more often. You are so very talented, and you need to share your talent and take joy from inspiring others with your work, which I know you do. No crafter/artist should every criticize another's work. It's just wrong. We all take inspiration from other's and I'm sure that person does too.

    I LOVE your array of fun Christmas cards. Incredible work, my friend. I'm sure your friend will be pleased that she inspired you to make them. Happy crafting and keep showing us your work! xx

  10. Well, I think most people have already said what I feel. So won't repeat. I use patterns ALL THE TIME!!! So just craft away, show us your awesome creations, and let your guilt go!! You are unique, creative, and we wouldn't have you any other way. OK???

    LOVE the cards!! WIsh i could do more myself. One of these days...

    BIG hugs to you.

    Gloria in Utah :)


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read and appreciate each one. :)