(Yee haw).
We had a really nice, relaxing Thanksgiving. It was just the four of us, but it was nice letting the girls do what they wanted to do. I spread out the cooking chores throughout the day, so I didn't feel any stress over making the big meal. Steve ventured out to a couple of stores that were open and managed to find some things he wanted/needed. He insisted that I go look for a few things I had been wanting, so after I put the turkey in the oven I ventured out for a bit. I was not successful in finding anything, though. Oh well. I made up for it on Friday. I don't usually go out on Black Friday as I am not a huge fan of the crowds. I did venture out later in the morning and while a few of the deals were already long gone, I managed to pick up some deals. Plus, I was pleasantly surprised to find I didn't have to wait in any lines! Double score!
In amongst the holiday festivities I managed to work on organizing and tagging my digi stuff on my computer. I'd let some of that lapse, so had a back log to work on. Because the girls are good at entertaining themselves, I found I had more time to work on it and feel good that I accomplished my tasks! I did some online Digi Black Friday shopping though. So, now I have a bit more to organize. Ah well, it felt good for a few minutes to be caught up on that. hee, hee.
I also managed to create a few layouts over the past few days. And here they are!

I didn't title this one, but I think you can tell what the subject is by the pictures.
Credits: Comfy for Fall Mega Kit by Gina Cabrera, Font: CK Carefree, Template: SimplySarahDesigns blog.

Thanks for visiting! I hope you find time to create something today!