Yesterday was the first day of school! Yes, in August. When I grew up CA, we always started the Tuesday after Labor Day-I'm still not used to school in August. It's actually a week earlier than usual as the district is shifting the calendar so that the kids get out of school around Memorial Day. Well, I thought they'd be done
by Memorial Day, but they go back for a few days AFTER Memorial Day, which to me, is just plain silly. Oh well. I'm not in charge.
Amy has been so excited to start second grade. I'm tickled to see her excitement. She and her best friend are in the same class again, so I'm sure that helps a lot.
Indulge a proud mama of a Pippi Longstocking wanna be. (just kidding, but there is a little resemblance, no?) I don't know if I spelled the word right, but you get the drift.

Jessica finally started Kindergarten! She was pretty excited herself. Now her class is in the afternoon. Yea, I thought they were having morning kindergarten classes, but I was wrong. It's just like when Amy was in K. The kids who are deemed "at risk" go all day. The kids who are doing well go in the afternoon.
Then there is the teacher issue. We got a call on Friday from the gal who introduced herself as Jessica's teacher. All well and good. The girls and I go in on Monday to see the rooms, see their teachers. In Jessica's class there is a different teacher. Apparently there was a very last minute shuffle. A third grade teacher decided at the last minute (ie on Friday) to teach at a different school. Which meant the gal who was to be Jessica's teacher is now teaching 3rd grade. The gal who is starting Jessica's class is the K teacher from last year, only she has moved on to be the librarian of the school. But, she's taken on the class until they hire a new half day K teacher. Yea, I'm not thrilled. Jessica loves her "interim" teacher and I hope she transitions to a new one in a few weeks without any problems.

She has taken to posing "just so" for pictures. Don't you love the head tilt?

Once she got into the room and sat on the circle, she was good to go. They had pattern blocks to play with and she got right to it. In fact, she waved a distracted good-bye when I left. Whew.
As the girls were in school, I decided I needed to get back on track in keeping up with the house. So, I worked on that for most of the time they were both at school. Boy was I tired, but some rooms looked much better than they have in a month. Ü
The girls had a great time at Triceratops Trail on Sunday. (I called it a mountain. I was wrong). For Carol: Golden is a town just to the west of where we live, in the foothills. Steve would have taken them to nearby Dinosaur Ridge, but the road was closed for some reason. Another trip...and hopefully Mommy will be able to go.
Jessica's itching for a rousing game of Go Fish, so I'd best sign off for now. Maybe more later...