I think it's safe to say a good time was had by all at Amy's party today. It got pretty warm, but the clouds were building by the time we got underway. Thankfully, no rain fell. The only water came from the slip n slide, squirt guns and water balloons.
First up, here's the cake I made. We saw it in a Jello dessert cookbook. The kind you see at the check out in the store. That's blue Jello in the center.
I cannot believe I got this GREAT shot of Ryan nailing the football through the tube.
After most of the guests had gone, Amy, Hattie and Jessica started dancing to the music I had playing (Luau party songs). The song they played over and over again was Wipe-Out! It was so cute to see them dancing with such care-free abandon.

This is one of the gifts we got her. It's a MythBusters Science Exploration kit. Amy's been known to watch the show with Steve. Anyway, with this kit, she can make a marshmallow launcher!
When she took a good look at the box, she exclaimed...I know Daddy picked this one out. LOL
So, there you have it! It's amazing how much goes into putting together even a casual type of birthday party.
But, Amy thought it was a blast and I over heard a couple of kids say it was one of the best parties they'd been to.
Thanks for stopping by.
I sure hope you've had a great Saturday, too!
I sure hope you've had a great Saturday, too!