Here's a bit of the backstory. That very nice looking lady is my friend Kelly, who lives in CA. We met when we were in KINDERGARTEN! Yep, that's right, I've known her longer than just about anyone else. We were in a few grades together, then her family moved to a city about 45 minutes away after the 5th grade. That might have been the end of our friendship, but it wasn't. We actually kept in touch! We'd write to each other, and call and plan sleep-overs. I was in her wedding when she married her hubby,Joel, and she was in my wedding. I'm that tall kid in brown's godmother and she's the girls "Auntie" Kelly. She had her oldest son 10 days after my mother passed away and flew out here to be here when I had Amy-that's actually the last time we saw each other. Seven years ago!
When she told me the family was planning a road trip, staying at their timeshare places along the way, and one was in Estes Park (about 1 1/2 hours from where we live) we made plans for us to spend the weekend together. Then I broke my ankle! Just about the only tears I shed were those that fell when I thought I might not be able to see them afterall.
The other night when she called and I asked my hubby if he wanted to spend the day in Estes Park (ie drive us up there), he actually told me, "I have to think about it." Right that second I decided. Think about it all you want (I thought), I'm not asking you again and I am going. So the girls and I went and had a fantastic time. Yes, I was a tad nervous mountain driving with the cast, but it was okay. I didn't do much moving around actually. I'd sit near where they were going to be. They'd drop me off at the door, so I wouldn't have far to hobble. If they wanted to shop, I'd people watch. Or Joel would hang out with me (her hubby) and we'd chat up a storm. The kids had a super time (as you can see) in the lodge pool.
We didn't arrive back home until 10pm and I pretty much hit the bed right after we pulled in. The girls were keyed up and watched a show with their daddy. I heard them tell him, quite innocently, we didn't miss you daddy, because we had such a fun time.
I hope he enjoyed his day alone, because I wouldn't have missed this visit for a mere broken ankle.