Happy Thursday to you! My girls have the day off of school today and only go for a very short time tomorrow. It's assessment time at school. The students are assessed to see where they are at in Reading. Towards the end of the school year they will be assessed again to see how far they've grown. They are off school on Monday as well for a district-wide in-service. And so it begins again. LOL I sometimes wonder just when the teaching gets done. I'm not faulting the teachers at all, having been one myself, I know just how hard they work and how sometimes their hands are tied. It is a bit frustrating to see how often the kids don't have school for one reason or another and I wonder how the momentum of learning gets affected.
Enough of that! I took a few pictures of the girls working on their projects. Yes, Jessica wanted to try her hand at knitting, too.
They wanted to work on their project before they went to school. What incentive to get them ready early! Amy's got owies on her arms from numerous mosquito bites that she can't resist scratching.
Amy was also quite excited when she started to see the knitting coming out of the bottom of the tube. Ü
Working on Jessica's project reminded me how fun working with yarn can be. I know how to crochet and can even knit (thanks to my Mom's crafty influence), but I haven't done any needlework in years. After I got a phone call from a good friend, Vicky, who told me she owned a Knifty Knitter and made lots of great projects with it, I decided I'd go get one for myself. If Vicky, a full time working mom of two boys, can find time to create (she says it's her therapy after a tough day at work) I certainly can carve out some time in my day. Here's how far I got yesterday afternoon. Isn't that yarn luscious looking? It's SO soft and I love the colors for fall. I'm starting out with a basic hat for the girls. Once I get the hang of it and find some patterns I'll try other projects. I'm definitely hooked! LOL
And one last thing, because I know this is getting long, but I found this so cute I had to share. I bought the Knifty Knitter at Michaels and it is right next door to Target. We went into Target after I picked up the items at Mike's. My girls like to get a little bag of something at the checkout. Mostly it's been granola bites, but Amy saw this little doghouse of Animals Crackers. I thought the house was cute and said okay. Then I wondered if the animals would be the Target Dog (do they call him Spot?). Lo and behold...that's exactly what the shape of crackers were! How funny is this?
And how
funny is it that Mommy told the girls to be sure to leave one each of the crackers alone so that I could take pictures when we got home!
Hope you have a great day!
How cute! I love how your daughters are so interested in their knitting!
How fun is that?! 'Spot'ted animal crackers (pun intended of course -lol)!
I cheated and read your last post first on my way down to this one, so I already know how the knitting turns out...you did a great job! ;)
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