Monday, December 31, 2007
Ever Hear of a Digi Journal?
Well, if you read my Round Up post, you read that I did indeed go through all the Christmas boxes and purged out items that were broken or that I no longer wanted. I managed to consolidate the number of boxes down by about 5, which I think is pretty huge. I also pulled out of the attic a pair of huge stuffed bride and groom dolls we got for our wedding. They haven't seen the light of day since our wedding and I had absolutely no use for them. So given the Flylady mantra, if I don't love it or use it, out it goes...they went, along with the still usable but no longer wanted holiday decorations, to Goodwill today. What a sense of accomplishment I felt. I have been meaning to do this for a couple of years and yea, this is the year it got done!
So, Christmas is put away and now I am ready for whatever 2008 brings. We will be staying home this evening...who knows...maybe I'll work on a layout or two...
Thanks for visiting and see you soon!
December Round Up
What books and/or magazines did I read this month?
I keep reading those escapist romance novels. I finished up the series by Debbie Macomber and am currently reading Mending Fences by Susan Wiggs. I need the books to be thick so I don’t race thru them in a sitting or two. This book is about two friends and their families. The kids grew up together pretty much and the son of the one family hurt the daughter of the other family only neither family knows for sure that it happened. It's exploring these relationships and how something like this can tear friendships apart as well as showing how to work on mending the relationship after something terrible happens.
What movies and/or tv shows did I watch this month?
TV Shows-My Reality shows mostly. Finished up the season on Survivor. I’m not sure if I am going to continue to be so engrossed in this show. The person I feel should win rarely does as they are usually deemed a threat and voted off. Keeping up with the Amazing Race…barely…I keep getting interrupted when it’s on. Most shows are now reruns due to the Writers’ Strike, so I may have the TV on, but as background noise while I’m doing something on the computer.
What special days did I celebrate and how?
Pretty easy this month I guess…Christmas! I let the girls decorate the tree and our big room. I kept up with putting something on my table by getting a photo holder and putting some of our Christmas cards on display. I put the wooden sleigh I painted years ago on the table too, to house the rest of the cards received. It looked nice. For Christmas this year, Grandma Tomshack came on Christmas Eve and is staying until January 5th. We went to Dave and Tracy’s home for a party on Christmas Eve. Amy wrote a letter to Santa and he responded. The girls enjoyed opening up their gifts. We stayed home and played games like Zingo, Cariboo, Dora Checkers, Memory.
What gifts did I give and/or receive?
I received a Garmin GPS system from Steve for Christmas. It’s pretty neat. Kelly sent me a butterfly ornament (which Amy opened and put on the tree) as well as a subscription to Digital Scrapbooking Magazine. Gave lots of gifts this month! Amy and Jessica got Fisher Price’s Digital Arts & Crafts Studio, along with two discs; Dora and Diego to go along with it. Games was the theme this year…Zingo, Dora Game Box, Cariboo, Guess Who. Both girls got pajamas with Cars and Princess themes. Amy got the Cars Mack Truck and Jessica got Dora’s Globe. In addition they received two new games for the V-Smile (Diego and Scooby Doo) and a Dora Smart Book. We gave Grandma Tomshack a handheld Free Cell game along with some fashion pins. I also made her a CD Case Calendar from a digital kit I bought. It has pictures of the girls for each month of the year. Steve got a rocket ship and a pair of binoculars. As I said, lots of gifts this month. I made Kelly a home organizer notebook as well as a tin filled with decorated Reece’s Cups. Garrett and Devon got gift certificates in decorated holders. Gram Jones got a decorated gift box with a Starbucks card and Julie got a Gift Certificate in a deocorated gift box. Monica and her boys got a Friends tumbler and gift certificates. I made some goodies to give to our mailman, UPS man and the swim teachers at the Rec Center. Whew! Lots of giving going on this month!
What illnesses or health concerns did I have?
I thought I might be getting a cold, but managed to thwart it by taking lots of Cold Snap. Both girls were sick. Jessica got an ear infection and was up all night one night. The following week Amy got sick with an ear infection/strep. Both girls were on antibiotics.
What fun things did I do with my friends and/or family?
Spent Christmas together. Amy’s class made mini gingerbread houses with milk cartons and graham crackers. I went in to help and it was fun. Jessica’s class made Corduroy dolls and I went in to help trim the excess fabric off. That was fun as well. I met a mom whom I’d never chatted with before. It’s always fun meeting new friends. We went to Dave and Tracy’s for Christmas Eve. I had Hostess Club and we made a couple of fun projects. The girls and I baked together this month.
What new foods, recipes or restaurants did I try this month?
I made Snowman Cookies for the first time. Nutter Butters dipped in melted white chocolate. The girls helped decorate them. I got a few new cookbooks and have tried one recipe, Chicken Piccata, which was tasty. Oh and I tried making Spiced Tea. It came out a little strong, so will need some tweaking.
What special or unusual purchases did I make?
Seemed like I shopped a lot this month, which is to be expected. My most unusual or funny purchase was getting two Taste of Home Cookbooks. First I saw them in the Taste of Home catalog at the party I went to in November. Then I saw them at Kmart. I picked one up for Steve to wrap for me for Christmas. He never did. Then I saw the same books cheaper at Walmart, so I took the one from Kmart back. Right after leaving Walmart with the books I went to Sam’s Club and they were both there (both being the regular cookbook and the baking cookbook) even cheaper than Walmart’s price! So I bought them at Sam’s and turned around and returned the two I had just picked up from Walmart. Thankfully these stores are right next to each other. Anyone who knows me well, knows I will do what is needed to get the bargain. Steve just shakes his head at me. But he’s glad I’m willing to do it.
What were this month's disappointments?
I don’t know if it’s really a disappointment, but I hoped for an external hard drive for Christmas, or the cookbooks mentioned above. Neither was under the tree for me. I talked to Steve about the hard drive and he told me he’s got a network storage system in mind, so I guess it’s something to look forward to instead of a disappointment. And I got the books I wanted. :o)
What were my accomplishments this month?
I’m proud of myself for getting my Christmas cards out by the end of the first week in December. For the most part, I felt pretty well on top of, or at least not stressed out about, Christmas. I let the girls decorate for the holiday, which they thoroughly enjoyed. I am proud of myself for going through all the boxes and purging out holiday items I no longer wanted. I consolidated the number of boxes considerably and even made the trip to Goodwill to donate what is still usable. Took a digi class called Brushworks from Big Picture Scrapbooking. Haven’t finished it yet, though, since Christmas got in the way.
Anything else noteworthy to record?
When we were at Sweet Tomatoes for dinner toward the end of the month, Amy commented that her tooth hurt. After saying Uh-Oh, I looked in her mouth…she’s getting her 6 year molar! Whew! She’s not been feeling well since then, but hopefully will kick the bug before school starts on January 8th.
Blog Banner Changed
I'm gonna be working on my Monthly Roundup today (hopefully), but we do need to take down the tree and put Christmas away. My thought is I will go through my holiday boxes and purge items I no longer want. Would have done it when we first pulled down the boxes, but the girls had a field day working on the tree and I was just in the mood to put the boxes away by the time they were done. LOL
I'm thinking of updating my blog roll, too.
But you know those intentions....sometimes life just gets in the way.
If I, for some reason, DON'T get all the stuff done I hope to and don't get a chance to blog again today...Happy New Year! Stay safe and have fun ringing in 2008~
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Get a L.O.A.D. of This!
Oh and one of the presents we got my mother-in-law for Christmas is a hand held Free Cell game. She likes those things. Well, I didn't know how to play it, but was familiar with the name at least. That is, I didn't know about it until I sat down to try to play it. I even ended up looking up how to play on the internet. So...I figured it out! And I played. And I won a game. And so, I had to play again. Didn't win. But wanted to try you get where this is going?
There is NO way I'm gonna be able to do a layout a day in January if I am hooked on a silly solitaire game called Free Cell, is there?
What's funny is that the girls want me to sit on the couch with them so they can watch me play it. They also give me advice on what to move where. Yea. Like THEY know what the suits are and all that. I'll tell you though, they are SO excited for me when I win! LOL
Okay, are you game to try to do a layout a day? Go to Big Picture and sign up already! (hee, hee)
Til next time....Thanks for visiting.
PS I even took this silly game with us on the drive over to Sweet Tomatoes for dinner. See, I sit in the 'way back' of the van and can't really hear anything. The girls are always engrossed in a I needed something to do while on the way. Oh and Steve wanted to go back to the Pro Bass Shop to exchange a shirt he was too big. SURE! I said, thinking...oh goody more time to play...It's a sad and sorry state of affairs, I tell ya!
Jessica & Corduroy
Steve and the girls took Gramma Tomshack to the Pro Bass Shop earlier today, and I stayed home to be able to scrapbook. Well, I futzed around first! But here is the layout I came up with. I love it that Jessica still wants me to take her picture. I was working on something on the computer when she asked me to take pictures of her and Corduroy. Hope you enjoy!

Template (love these things): Misty Cato-Hooked on Templates freebie from her blog. Scroll down to get to the template.
Papers: Brown Swirl-Heidi Larson-Candy Can Freebie from
Blue Swirl: Pamela
Graph paper: Homeroom-Math
Buttons: - Annie's Room freebie
Orange:Funky Button- Guide To Digital Scrapbooking Free Kit
Purple: Melissa Bennett-Button Bonanza
Word Art: Hip Chick Bitty Words-from, Loved Circle Stamp: Katie Pertiet Stamped Moments from (I got this as a freebie from my Jessica Sprague class)
Fonts: Fling and Pea Tracy
Whew! I think that's it!
Thursday, December 27, 2007

Template: Kissed Studio #S0007
Papers: Plain Paper Spearmint (under journaling)
All other papers: from Holiday Sparkle Kit by M. Shefveland (from Scrapper's Guide Premier subscription)
Scalloped edge-Shabby Princess Holiday Sampler (
Word Art: Mindy Terasawa-Quote Challenge freebie from - August 2006 I believe
Fonts: Fling (Believe...) Pea Tracy (journaling)
I hope your holiday was equally magical! Thanks for visiting.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Christmas is Coming

The journaling reads: The girls were quite excited to be able to help Mommy and Daddy pull the Christmas decorations down from the attic this year. In what seemed like no time at all our Great room was transformed for the holiday. Not only did the girls decorate the tree, they also put decorations out around the house. It was so sweet listening to them chatter as they worked, proclaiming each decoration as their favorite, as they pulled them out of the boxes. The beaded tree was made by Mommy years ago, with the help of her mom. The pink ornament was made by Jessica this year in preschool. The sequined tree was made by Mommy when she was a young girl. The wreath was made by Felicia two years ago. Mommy painted the elf sleigh when she lived in Palmdale and was still teaching school. The angels were given to Mommy as gifts from Auntie Kelly and Gram Jones. The Stocking holders are new this year. There are lots of memories stored in our decorations. It makes for a wonderful trip down Memory Lane. Thanks for a great job decorating my sweet girls! 2007
I hope each of you has a wonderful holiday, full of all of the delights of the season!
Thank you for visiting!
Papers: Noel kit from
Frame for picture: {Vintage Boho Brush Set} by Gypsy Chick (Jodie Patterson)
Fonts: Fling (Christmas), 2PeasScrapbook (is Coming), Pea Olson (journaling). Fling is a purchased font, 2PeasScrapbook is downloaded from and Pea Olson is downloaded from
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Snowman Cookies
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Teacher Holiday Gifts
Here's what it looked like when I was done (I actually started AND finished 4 of these last night, by my bedtime). Four because Jessica has 3 teachers...
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Holder
I used CTMH's Twilight cardstock and ink, New Fallen Snow, Sensational Seals as well as the Victorian Snowflake stamp sets. (hope you aren't tired of that VS set, it's one of my faves obviously) On the second set, I also added some of CTMH's clear sparkles to add a little oomph. The circles on the peanut butter cups are punched with a 1 1/8th inch circle punch and a 1 inch circle punch. The scalloped circles are made with my Cricut.
Thanks for visiting! Happy Creating!
Favorite Christmas Shows

The papers are from a kit I got from ScrapWow. I don't know if I ever mentioned this on my blog, but not long after I started digi scrapping, I came across an advertisement banner that said FREE KITS, so of course, I had to check it out. For $19.95, I joined for a year. You get something like 6 kits free off the bat, access to a website (not that I use that much) and throughout the year, you get several unannounced Bonuses of free kits from some top name designers (for free). Seriously, it's a great deal! Click here to check it out if you are interested.
Anyway, I got the papers from an unannounced bonus this past week. They are created by Kelly Schults. The fonts are MonteCarloScriptNF and CK Carefree-both downloaded from the internet. I used a template by Bree Clarkson from SweetShopDesigns. It's from Collection 9. Anyway, I thought it would be perfect to showcase my favorite shows from my childhood.
Thanks for visiting. I hope you find time to create today!
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Non Traditional Colors Snowflake Card
I'm not sure if you have noticed, but I added a blog I really enjoy visiting called Kathi's Creative Corner. Kathi is a very creative Close To My Heart consultant and I've long admired (and stamplifted) her ideas. She is also very good at posting new projects on her blog, so you just might want to bookmark it and visit often (or add it to your Google Reader), since she doesn't have a subscribe button. Anyway, she recently posted a version of this card on her blog and I fell in love with it. Check her card out here. She gives the directions/dimensions on her blog. I didn't have the same snowflake set, so I used Victorian Snowflake from CTMH. I also used the wider twill ribbon she mentions. My last variation was to add a Bigger Brad to the center. I hope you enjoy her version and mine as well. Thanks, Kathi for always inspiring me! :o)
And, in case you are interested, that Cold Snap stuff I have been taking to thwart getting sick seems to have worked! My throat feels fine now and I only have a tiny bit of sniffles. Whew! Hopefully dodged the bullet there!
Thanks for visiting!
Gift Card Holders
Thanks for visiting! I hope you find time to create today!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
BPS-Brushworks Class

Here's the description she gave: A digital kit from Glitz Design. Here's what the case says...
"The possibilties are endless with this CD jam-packed full of creativity from Glitz Design. This digital and printable scrapbooking kit comes with paper dsigns, journaling cards and lots of fun accents."
I just found out today that I WON that giveaway! I seriously cannot believe it! That made my day! Thanks, Renee! :o)
Sunday, December 9, 2007
A Couple of Projects...
This first one is a cute little treat holder. You can't tell very well in the picture, but there are Hershey Kisses tucked in there. The main color is Baby Pink, with some Blush ink on the white circle. I may cut up some in different colors to give my gals a choice. Not sure about that yet.
Anyway, I found the pattern at SplitcoastStampers. This really is an awesome resource for fun project ideas, I tell you.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Link to Google Reader
I still haven't done any creating yet today, but I sure have been having fun reading blogs, finding new ones to add, picking up some new digi stuff. (like I really need more)
I even ventured out in the snow to pick up a few Christmas gifts, and new wiper blade refills for the car. But I got tired of skidding around and having people ride on my tail, so I went home after getting the wiper blades. I called Steve while I was out and told him they weren't working well. He said just put the defrost on high and it should be okay. Ummmm not for me! Went to the car parts store and the clerk even put the new ones on. The driver side blade was actually broken! hmmmmm...maybe THAT's why they weren't working too well? LOL Well, they work great now! But I still came home because I get to be too much of a Nervous Nelly driving when I know I can slide right through a stoplight despite my best efforts.
Schtuff...Ramblings...Cute Socks!
First of all, I haven't been creating much at all-but then I think you already figured that one out, huh? Well, since it is a snowy weekend, who knows what may happen! I WAS going to create something last night, but a certain friend of mine, who shall remain nameless(susan) called and we were on the phone for nearly TWO hours! So it's all her fault. (smooch, smooch)
Next up, I hope blogger doesn't mess up my spacing again! Drives me batty that it looks good in my preview, then I post and you see these huge gaps between paragraphs. I don't know what I am doing wrong, but I keep trying to figure it out. I think it has to do with uploading pictures, each time I do, the extra spaces pop up. I try to backspace over them to delete, but it doesn't always work. Anyone who knows is welcome to share their tips to avoid this!
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
See, I Knew I'd Forget Something!
What a relief to have accomplished those things. My house feels a bit less cluttered.
Oh and for subscribers, I picked up a new blog banner and decided to post it today. You'll have to go to my blog to see it. :o)
Monday, December 3, 2007
November Round-Up
So, here we go!
What books and/or magazines did I read this month?
I read every night before I go to bed, nothing spectacular, just escapism reading. I am on a Debbie Macomber kick right now and I've been reading her series about a small town. Each new title is an address and I worked through 7 books over the past few months. Now I am reading the second in a trilogy about the Dakotas. Then I have to find a new author because I'm caught up and have to wait until next year for new installments. Magazines read or glanced through...Creating Keepsakes and Papercrafts, Scrapbooks, Etc. (this is what I remember, there might have been others).
What movies and/or tv shows did I watch this month?
We don't go to the movies anymore, but I admit to liking my TV. Continued watching Survivor, the Amazing Race and albiet reluctantly, Grey's Anatomy. I don't much like the storyline with Meredith, or Izzy, but I do love to watch Bailey in action, so I keep tuning in. Although with the current writer's strike, they may be into reruns soon, so that will end that idea. I enjoy Clean House and Jon and Kate plus 8, along with Little People, Big World and How Do I Look? Most of the time those are on in the background though, so not sure if I should really count them. I only want to see the reveals of the makeover shows! I am also interested in Desperate Housewives again. They seem to have gotten back to the roots of the first season.
What special days did I celebrate and how?
Digital Scrapbooking offered its first national day early in November and I had a blast doing some online shopping for goodies. Scrapbooks, Etc offered up the Scrapafaire again and I succumbed to taking a digital scrapbooking class. It was okay. Got a couple of neat ideas, but am not convinced it was worth the price of the class. It was less than half an hour in length and kind of light on content. Although, I did save the pdf file, which will probably come in handy later when I want to remember what it was all about.
Then of course there was Thanksgiving! I made dinner again this year, and without a sense of stress. I spread out the making of the meal throughout the day (we still eat at our normal time) and also worked on organzing my digital stash. The girls enjoyed playing whatever they wanted to. Steve went out to a few stores that were open and picked up a couple of good deals. He wanted me to see what I could find, so I went out after the turkey went into the oven, but I wasn't successful in finding anything. However, later in the weekend I found a new coat, so it evened out! The girls and I played several games of Memory together with a new deck of dinosaur cards I picked up at Target.
What gifts did I give and/or receive?
I made cards for my Hostess Club members which were pretty detailed in terms of cutting out all the pieces, but the final effect was worth the effort. I made some acetate boxes for the girls' teachers to say Thanks for all their hard work. They were very well received. I gave Becky a belated (sorry) birthday gift of two stamp sets and designed the above mentioned cards for my club members with her in mind.
What illnesses or health concerns did I have?
My jaw continues to bother me, somedays more than others. I keep wearing that night guard. I probably should go back to the dentist and pursue further action, but the next step would be a more expensive night guard and I'm not convinced it would help. No major illnesses for me, thank goodness, but the girls have had slight colds most of the month. Jessica had her 5 year check up and is healthy, although still under 40 pounds!
What fun things did I do with my friends and/or family?
I enjoy hanging out with the moms I'm getting to know after preschool. Jill is so funny! An hour can go by in a blink of an eye because she is so entertaining. Susi and I enjoy chatting while letting the kids (Amy, Jess, Hattie and John) play after Amy gets out of school.
One of the coolest things we did this month was go to a birthday party at the Paul Derda Rec Center in Broomfield. We were invited by a little girl in Jessica's class. Anyway, the main part of the party was held in the gymnastics room. (Silly me, I didn't bring my camera and now I regret that) The kids got to hang onto a ring on a zip tie and get pushed over a pit full of foam cubes. They hung on until they were over the pit and then let go. That was the hit of the room. Jessica even did it, which impressed me! There was also a trampoline lowered so it was level with the floor (which was cushiony throughout the room, too) and that was fun. I tried it until I saw myself in the mirror and scared myself. They also had a huge blow up slide the kids could slide. Remembering how I burned my elbow last spring at Amy's Field Day, I opted not to do that activity. Anyway, the kids (Amy was able to join us) had a blast and were quite tired when we were done.
What new foods, recipes or restaurants did I try this month?
Nothing new here, although I did go to a Taste Of Home party and ordered a new cookbook that is all about celebrations and am anxiously awaiting its arrival. Lots of cool ideas in this one. I also ordered a slow cooker cookbook at Steve's request, from a flyer we got in the mail. I know it's not technically something new, but it'll have to do!
What were my accomplishments this month?
I completed the second Jessica Sprague class called Now We're Rocking. I learned so much. I'm excited to sign up for the next one. I've participated in posting my layouts on the Gallery at her website and even participated in creating a layout for a special project for Jessica. I don't usually do things like that, but I really wanted to participate in this one because I've experienced great excitement about scrapbooking since taking her classes and this was a small way to express my gratitude. I hope she'll appreciate the project!
Anything else noteworthy to record?
Way back at the beginning of the month Amy had to get a crown for her molar. She slipped on the play equipment after school one day and knocked a chunk off her molar. She was a real trooper though and didn't shed a tear. Yea, Amy!! Jessica, at her well child checkup, got something like 6 shots all at once, 3 on each leg and she didn't flinch or shed a tear! That was also very impressive! (I don't know why it seems like we are always "catching up" on immunizations, since we do what is required each time we go in for a check-up).
Well, I started this a few days ago and now want to finally post it! Hope you enjoyed this little recap of November. I'm sure after I hit "post" I'll remember something else! I need to work on some new layouts, but being the time of year that it is, I've been busy with other things! LOL
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Thanksgiving Layouts

Sunday, November 18, 2007
Project Credits and How-To...
The Reflection Card-I stamplifted a card I saw on the CTMH artwork board that was created by Laura Buckley. She contributed it to a swap she was involved in. Thanks Laura! Here's what I did to create the card...It's a standard sized 4 1/4 x 5 1/2 card. The Heavenly Blue strip is 1 1/4 x 5 1/2 inches. The Baby Pink is 3 x 5 1/2 inches. The white cardstock is 2 1/2 x 5 inches. I cut a piece of white vellum 2 1/2 inches square. The Blush cardstock is 2 3/4 x 5 1/4 approximately.
I stamped the main snowman in Grey Wool toward the top of the white cardstock and colored it in. (I used markers-but color in however you like). Then I stamped the vellum piece with Grey Flannel. You can color it in or not, depending on your preference. I highly recommend making sure it is dry before putting adhesive on. I used a heat gun. Then I ran the vellum inked side down through my Xyron so that you won't see any adhesive marks. By putting adhesive on the inked side, you will notice that your vellum piece is a mirror image of the Grey Wool snowman. Adhere to the bottom of the white cardstock. To disguise the line of where the vellum ends, I added glitter glue. You could also use Liquid Glass and Prisma Glitter.
Tic-Tac Holder...stamplifted the idea from one posted on the CTMH artwork board by Yvette West. Thanks Yvette! She got the idea from And I also saw a variation of it (Halloween themed) on
I found Tic-Tacs in bulk at Sam's Club. 24 in a package for around $10. I'm sure Costco would carry them too.
Dimensions: Cardstock-4 5/8 inches wide by 3 inches tall. Cut a piece of patterned paper the same size. Score at 2 inches from each end so you'll have a spine about 3/4 inches wide. Cut a length of ribbon 14 inches long. The white piece with the snowman is 1 3/4 wide by 2 3/4 inches tall. After you stamp the snowman, use a 3/4 inch circle punch for the tummy. I lined this up on the base and punched the hole in the base, so it'd be easier to punch through. Color the snowman as desired.
To assemble: Use a corner rounder to punch the corners. Do this before you add your ribbon. It will make it easier to punch. You want to sandwich the ribbon, towards the top of your holder, between the base and the patterned paper. I used my ATG gun adhesive and it held fine.
You can peel off the label of the tic tac holder or not, depending on your preference. I peeled it off and the poem covered any remaining residue. If you want to take the date off the back, use rubbing alcohol. I used glue dots to attach the tic tac container to the holder. I cut a piece of white cardstock to fit the width of the tic tac container and used my ATG gun to adhere. Tombow or similar adhesive should work fine.
Snowman Kisses
He's cute, cuddly,
& full of good wishes.
He wants to give you
these snowman kisses!
I hope this helps those who expressed an interest in creating these projects!!
And digi projects busy doing other things. But here's a picture of my girls helping out by doing the dishes after dinner the other night! Yep, they asked if they could! Ain't life grand when your kids think doing chores is fun? Better enjoy the enthusiasm now since I'm sure it won't last forever. LOL
Friday, November 16, 2007
Hostess Club Projects for November
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Exploring Layout and a Flylady Layout

Sunday, November 11, 2007
Tucked Away-Another Layout Today!

Hey, I was able to complete another layout today! Wow! That makes 3 in just a few hours. Not bad for me. :o)
Template by Jen Caputo (Collection 20 @
All papers from Autumn's Flowers kit received from Scrapper's Guide Premier newsletter (
Fonts: BahiaScriptSSK and Century Gothic
I filled the journaling circle with color, then used the burn tool to add some interest and make it look a little less stark.
Thanks for looking! I hope you find some time to create today.
A Couple of Halloween Digi Layouts
This first layout is of Jessica's Homework Assignment. Yes, she gets one main homework assignment in preschool and this year it was creating a pumpkin to be used for decorating the hallway at preschool. I futzed and futzed with this one because I couldn't find papers that I really liked! That is one great thing about digi scrapping, if you don't like it, hit UNDO! Sort of a cyber version of the Un-Do paper scrappers use-only without the smell.

Picks A Plenty Template by TerriAnn Hanks, Scalloped template byMad Scraps-ThisNThat set by Robin Blankenship)
Frame a Date Overlay-Christine Borgfeld (PolkaDotPotato)
Boo To You Mega Kit (Digital Design Essentials): Candy Bag paper, Glitter Edge, patterned papers with color, stitched black tab
Notebook Paper: Katie Pertiet (Designer Digitals)
Font: CTMH Noodge
I couldn't resist this Spooky template when I saw it! I thought it was adorable and am glad I found a way to use it!

Spooky Template-Scrapgirls
Papers: Letters in Spooky Fall Fiesta solids The Posh Collection by Meridith Fenwick
Background paper (circle) Christine Borgfeld Fall Collab Kit (Polka Dot Potato), Orange colored background paper from Oogelie Googelie kit by Sausan Designs (kit from
Grid Overlay-Christine Borgfeld-(Polka DotPotato), White Swirly Overlay-Nanci Rowe Janitz-Simple Pleasures Mega kit (from Scrapbook Answers disc).
Journaling Spot with Bracket-Katie Pertiet (Designer Digitals)
Fonts: SweetheartScript and Century Gothic
Whew! I need to figure out a better way to mark down my credits! It took me almost as long to type this out (because I needed to hunt down the credits) as it did to create the layouts!
Thanks for looking! If you click on the pictures you should be able to see them larger.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Sunday Hike Layout

Since it was supposed to be a nice day, Steve thought it would be fun for us to go to Eldorado State Park on Sunday. It's located southeast of Boulder. He had taken the girls last month, but this time they wanted me to go. In the course of their recent day hikes, Steve noticed the girls slipping on the trails quite a bit when they wore their sneakers, so we recently found them some hiking shoes. Steve even got a pair! But so far, I haven't found any that I care for. Amy is so enamored of her new boots, she's worn them almost non-stop for the past few days. Guess that is one way to break them in!
Those of you who know me and how I love to watch the Broncos, might be surprised that I gave up watching the game for our family outing (good thing, since they got creamed-I'd have been so annoyed had I watched all of that game). I was quite impressed at how close this canyon is to us! I was also fascinated by watching the rock climbers. Especially since it turned out that it was REALLY windy!! We ate a picnic lunch and hiked a bit. I took several photos and decided to take some pictures of their new shoes. And just for fun, I took a pair of my sneakers! I thought it might make a fun scrapbook page! And looky here, I used the photos in our lesson for this week. Neat, huh?! It turns out the trail we decided to hike on was pretty steep and rocky. One of the highlights though, was this little cave that you can see them going into in the photo. And the girls kept exclaiming how they WEREN'T slipping. Success! But on the way back to the van we were walking into the wind and it kept blowing dust into the girls' eyes, so Steve went to get the van and come back to pick us up. We were next to a couple of rock climbers which was kinda interesting to watch.
We did our first official two page spread in this lesson. There were so many details jam-packed in this lesson I can't begin to describe them all. I was proud of myself for changing up a few of the details from her sample to better suit the theme of my layout (must mean I'm starting to feel more comfortable with this whole digi thing). The background paper was a pretty bright/bold pink and I changed the opacity so it would look a bit more muted. The swirls and the grungy outline around the big half circle picture was originally supposed to be white, and I changed it and the mat behind the four accent photos to be tan. Loved learning how to make that large circle picture! Can see using that technique in the future. She has shared with us several techniques and hot keys (shortcut key strokes) to do different things a bit more quickly.
All in all, each lesson seems to be getting better and better. I'm almost sad that were are already over half way through the course. But today we heard that she will be announcing the 2008 line up of classes in mid-December and the next level class from this one is slated to be on the list! Whooooohoooooooooo!!!
Thanks for looking! (I think if you click on the picture, you should be able to see it a bit larger)
Saturday, November 3, 2007
1st Ever National Digital Scrapbooking Day!
I also managed to work in completing two digi layouts. Ta-da!
This first one was a work in progress most of the day. It is so simple, but it took me a long time to figure out just what I wanted to do. But, in the end, I think it was worth the time it took.

I used a kit from a CD I have called Digital Scrapbook Memories-Playground. The specific kit is Megan's Swing (papers, stitching, swirl).
The "girly" is an alpha from Amy Teets-Sunporch. Fonts: Edwardian Script and Century Gothic.
This second layout is our second Saturday Start To Finish Challenge. I took the pictures this afternoon, but didn't get to start the layout until after the girls went to bed. We are supposed to start and finish the layout in 30 minutes. Last week I did it in around 45 minutes, but today I was able to complete this in 30 minutes! Yea, me!

Our subject was What Makes Me Happy and I thought I would try to have a little fun with it.
Credits: Festival Kit from Shabby Princess, Edwardian Script and Century Gothic fonts.
Man, it was a race to get this one done and while it's not perfect, at least I can say another one done!
By the way, Amy has been practicing her jumproping skills for about a month now and she's getting pretty darn good!
Now, my eyes are tired, so I will close.
Thanks for looking. I promise, one of these days I will work on something besides digi stuff, but for now I am just having too much fun with it!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Corn Box-Week 2 Lesson

Saturday, October 27, 2007
Start to Finish 30 Minute Challenge

I have to confess, I didn't really get this layout done in 30 minutes. It took more like an hour with all the interruptions from the girls. But I guess if you discounted all of those, it was about 45 minutes, not too bad.
I found that I didn't like the time constraint much. I didn't like the PRESSURE! LOL
But, I think I am happy with how this layout came out in the end.
The paper and elements are from It's a freebie kit called Harvest Spice. I also used the fonts Century Gothic and Vintage Typewriter.
Thanks for looking!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Me & My Hair Challenge Layout

Anyway, I selectively recolored the hair on a couple of the pictures. I used a template I got from The fonts used are CTMH Uptown, Typewriter and Century Gothic. Oh and I softened the look of a couple of the papers (the green and the cream journaling area) using an overlay option in my layers.
Hey a post two days in a row! I'm on a roll! LOL