The crispness of the full layout is lost a bit when I resized it for posting. Please know that the original looks less pixelated.
In December, I signed up for Renee Pearson's Brushworks class at
Big Picture Scrapbooking. Around the same time, I started using Google Reader and signed up for
Renee's blog. She had a giveaway a day at that time for various items. I actually WON! I won a
Glitz Design CD called Summer Crush. It's a Digital/Printable Scrapbooking Kit. I loved the colors in the preview Renee showed on her blog. Well, the CD arrived today and I was so excited, I had to make a layout using it right away. This is the result. Fun, huh? The colors make me smile. Thanks so much, Renee! (as if she'd read my blog) Credits at the end of the post.
In other news....
I kept Amy home from school today because the cold she's had for weeks just doesn't seem to be getting any better. She's been getting a low grade fever off and on, too. Well last night the cough just sounded terrible. This morning I checked and her temp was back up t0 100.2. So, I took her to the doctor. No ear infection, even though they had to irrigate the one ear again due to wax. The doctor said the chest sounded rattly which can't be good, right? She also noticed lots of draining, which could be sinuses. And so, we are on another round of a stronger antibiotic for 10 days. Through it all though, Amy's never acted sick. I mean she's eating great, playing well, and is her usual chipper self. In fact on the way to the doctor and coming from the doctor she kept telling me she was hungry for lunch (and this is after a big bowl of cereal for breakfast)It's so hard to know with her if she just has a high tolerance for pain/discomfort or if it's just a bad cold lingering on...
In other OTHER news....
We went to swim class yesterday because Amy wasn't acting sick. Well, after class while they were drying their hair using those loud air hand dryers, Amy said something out of the blue like I'm sorry Mommy, it happened when I ate my apple at school. HUH? What happened? Miss Amy is working on losing her very first tooth! (losing it naturally, not being knocked out like the chunk of molar a few months ago) It's even the lower front one, not the top tooth that has been loose forever and a day (because the root of that top tooth is calcifying due to getting bonked one too many times). She's been playing around with it and reminding me of myself when I had loose teeth. You know jimmying it with the tongue. She didn't want to show her dad though. She was afraid he would be mad at her for some reason. Well, so far the tooth is still hanging on, but it shouldn't be too much longer. I am just ITCHING to yank it out because it's bugging me to watch her play with it, but I'll keep my hands to myself. :o) Sniff, sniff more evidence that she is growing up. As if the fact that she is getting TALL and talking about going into second grade wasn't proof enough...I had to buy size 7 pants last week, just for the length...
Wow!!!!! As I was typing this, Jessica just yelled to me that Amy's tooth CAME OUT all by itself! Then Amy showed me. She won't let me take a picture though, darn it! Maybe later...this is good scrapbooking material. She just said it didn't hurt at all, and it didn't bleed. :o)
Thanks for visiting! I hope you find time to create today.
Template: Robin Blankenship-This N That Maps-I got it from ScrapWow as a bonus, but I have a website listed in my ACDSee file.
Treasures to Scrap I don't know if it is available there.
Papers/Tag: Summer Crush from the CD which can be found at
Glitz DesignFonts: Bradley Hand ITC, 2Peas Scrapbook